Men Yell at Me
This American Ex Wife the Podcast
"Lyzistrata" with Donna Zuckerberg

"Lyzistrata" with Donna Zuckerberg

Talking ancient wives, Lysistrata, and modern problems with Donna

In the ancient play Lysistrata women withhold sex as a means of ending the Peloponnesian War. And the logic – using sex as a shaping force in marriages – is widespread both in self-help books and right-wing subreddits. Academic Donna Zuckerberg has written about the appropriation of the Classics by misogynistic groups and weighs in on Lysistrata, liberal men, ancient wives, and modern love.

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Show notes:

Men Yell at Me
This American Ex Wife the Podcast
This American Ex-Wife. The podcast where we discuss the state of American heterosexual marriage. And by state I mean trash fire. Host Lyz Lenz sits down with a cast of women to talk about their divorces, their journeys and unpacks an institution many take part in but few talk about: divorce.
Hear from writers like Maggie Smith and Minda Honey. A sociologist who studies marriages disparate impact on Black women. And of course some insight from Lyz’s divorce lawyer.
Produced by Zachary Oren Smith. Illustration by Alessandro Gottardo . Show art by Suzanne Glémot.