Yes! I wanted to nominate both of these bozos but I didn’t see the post until last night.

The “over 50 woman” comment was so perfect. Of course older women care about our daughters, nieces and granddaughters. I’m from the first generation of “ always have your own money” —— guess who taught me that? Older women. Now we don’t tell women to just have their own money - we tell them to buy a house.

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… and if cretin dingus #2 is saying an abortion is not something some humans will ever need personally so they should not get to have an opinion, why is CD#2 talking about it?

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Hell yeah sister! Get a degree and a job so you don’t have to depend on a man if necessary. Be capable.

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We care about strangers too. We don't have to know these women or have a familial relationship with them to care about them.

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Yes we do!

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Yes I live for Fridays and Dingii tales! Before you broke out, Lyz, I led a culturally impoverished Friday morning life, for sure.

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Lmaoooo yes humble farmer get Eric Adams ass!!!

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Cheers to the Map Room and moments of connection!

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Us older women, we are all that, plus childcare providers. The lowest levels of inhumanity. Dingusery is truly a nationwide plague.

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NC resident here: I second the dingus nomination of Michele Morrow.

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There's nothing left to say about these dinguses, so I'll share what I'm enjoying this week: the start of fall weather. The ~4 weeks changeover from summer to fall and from winter to spring where I need neither heat nor air conditioning in my home are the best, but I especially love all the fun that is associated with these last 3 months of the year. It's time for me to start shopping for matching pajamas (a new tradition I started for my family in 2021), thinking about what I might want for the holidays (instead of getting stuff for myself), and plotting a trick-or-treating route for my son and I to beat our record haul from last year (my daughter goes out with her middle school friends).

Oh and the humidity mostly goes away and bugs go back to hell for a while, both of which make it more pleasant to run.

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I already got my kids their advent calendars! I need to get the matching jammies ASAP!

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Map Room rocks. Ayinger Brauweisse on tap.

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Re: Moreno, I would ask him, if abortion shouldn’t be an issue for women over 50, then why, sir, is it an issue for YOU and any legislator without a functioning uterus?

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Don’t go trying to suggest logic here!!!😂😂😂

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I mean, it's all about ME right? I don't have the ability to get knocked up anymore so why would I worry about my nieces, goddaughter, friends who are still of child-bearing years getting adequate healthcare? Except I do sir, I do very very much and I will fight for them just as fiercely as I would for myself. Dipsh!t Dingus indeed.

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(It's almost like it has nothing to do with abortion at all and it's actually about bodily autonomy and who gets to have their protected versus who doesn't)

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“We don’t rent pigs”

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I just got to the part about that sign and was laughing out loud

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Me = 51


Me = Mom to four teenagers, three of whom have uteruses

Me = Person who believes all people with uteruses deserve the medical care they want, need, and choose.


Me = An over-50 woman who defi-fucking-nately cares about abortion rights and access.

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One of your best, Liz, even though you didn't include my guy Higgins. Too obvious perhaps...

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Tell me about HigginsI I might have missed learning about that Dingus in the nomination chat but I'm eager to learn here if you're up for sharing.

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Ditto! Who is Higgins?

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wow, putting Megan on blast like this smdh

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This is what happens when you don’t text me back. I call you the East Coast media in a newsletter

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thinking of starting a newsletter called Why Won't Lyz Check Her Voicemail

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My heart is warmed whenever I read about the mutual love between you and Cedar Rapids.

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After my kid was married and menopause was in the rear vision mirror, I suddenly felt - "you know what? I don't care. I'll stick up for young women being molested or insulted - I've got nothing to lose!".

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Thank you.

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