Don’t get too excited about The Onion buying InfoWars. The bankruptcy judge has not approved fhe sale and has set a hearing next week to review whether the sale was conducted properly.
This is the best attitude. Also, the fact that Jones’s lawyers have to spend the weekend working on a brief is something to enjoy. It’s beautiful here in Austin today and those dingi will be inside searching LEXIS for citations.
Good luck to Morgan! I hope she crushes the marathon and that y'all have a blast in Savannah. Also, if Morgan feels moved to reciprocate your act of friendship with a trip to Iowa, I happen to know that it's lovely there in June. Especially for distance runners!
Chris Mattei is a Connecticut treasure and though I am sad that he wasn't elected as my state's attorney general back in 2018, I am so glad that he is providing such excellent representation to the families of Sandy Hook victims vs. Alex Jones.
I am old enough to remember when American Idiot came out during the George W Bush Administration. It is hard to even wrap my brain around how much idiotic it's gotten since then.
It's interesting to me that Gen Alpha and Gen Z are really obsessed with bringing back 90s and early 00s trends and music...something about that Bush-era coming back to haunt us. I started listening to Green Day again because my 13yo and her friends "discovered" them. And I felt like Winona Ryder in Heathers, smoking a cigarette covered in bomb ash.
The perfect choice of music for the dingus this week. I saw Green Day play that whole album in 2005 in Pittsburgh. Shocking how much more it applies today and how I now sort of look back on the George W. Bush era as the "good old days"...... I had the best tour tshirt, but could no longer wear it as it was far too small. I gave it to a friend of my son back when they were in middle school and she was beside herself with joy. She is 22 now and still wears it. That makes me happy.
l think we might be selling RFK Jr and his brain worm short. They are going to drive demand for healthcare. If he gets his way, vaccines will be gone and the physical therapy profession will be in high demand when polio comes roaring back. Can’t wait to see how that goes.
I have a phobia of hypodermics so bad that I often vomit when I have to have a blood test or get a vaccination. Thanks to Mr. Brainworm, I have gotten all my shots current since 2020 and will keep up forever, just to spite him.
"It’s going be a real shocker when the party that touts our military actually ends up completely dismantling it. That’s what we call dingus-on-dingus crime."
Let's not forget that they tout the military but gut the VA. And they want the most diverse organization in our country to be less woke. True dingusry in action.
Every week, without fail, you make me laugh/grimace/think/shout (the ol LGTS). Thank you. Also, I’m running my first Half tomorrow, and am sooo nervous- your words about running are exactly right to me, too. So much solace, strength, and community has come to me from this unexpected (and sometimes dumb) sport.
Jordan, you're gonna be amazing!!! You can do it! I was so nervous, too. Take in all the runners, spectators, music, signs, views. You're doing something that most people won't ever do! Best to you tomorrow, you got this!
Better late than never? I DID IT! Well exceeded my goal, and soaked in some incredible views and energy from the running community and crowds. Fought tears of joy for the last mile, and finally let them flow as I hit the finish line and found my partner in the crowd. And...already signed up for the next one.
So damn spot-on Lyz! So exactly "we have met the enemy, and they are us"! Being white and male, I can say that in truth. Being in Texas, sad that my vote was purely symbolic! Personal greed trumped human rights!
I so needed my morning cup of Billie Joe. (and Tré and Mike). I saw them this summer and their music is just as fresh (and applicable) as when it came out in the 90s and 2000s. They are also one of the bands who play for nearly 2 1/2 hours: they did all of Dookie and American Idiot, plus 8 or 9 other songs. Sadly, I got COVID at this show when we were all crammed onto the concourse during a thunderstorm, but at least I had my moment with them.
Things are going to get very dark, very fast. Remember to keep your own little light burning, take joy where you can, and never stop believing that a better future is possible.
You had me at Molly Ivins today -- which reminds me to give some money and attention span to what's left of the Texas Observer, speaking of laughing through tears.
More proof of Orange Julius Caesar's governing style aka Flood The Zone. So much dingus-try, how to even pick a spot to kick back, never mind hold one's ground? The net effect of this fantasy Cabinet draft is that Marco Rubio will appear to be the grown-up in the room. Lyz-heads, the Rubio Abyss stares also. Avert your gaze! TGIF. Joy to those marathoning in Savannah and to all of us running toward our objectives.
Lyz, where is Morgan taking you out? The chow in Savannah is consistently excellent and the whole town lives up to its "what are you drinking?" reputation for welcoming.
Don’t get too excited about The Onion buying InfoWars. The bankruptcy judge has not approved fhe sale and has set a hearing next week to review whether the sale was conducted properly.
Yes, I am aware of that pending a court case, but it's still pretty funny no matter what happens in court.
This is the best attitude. Also, the fact that Jones’s lawyers have to spend the weekend working on a brief is something to enjoy. It’s beautiful here in Austin today and those dingi will be inside searching LEXIS for citations.
Good luck to Morgan! I hope she crushes the marathon and that y'all have a blast in Savannah. Also, if Morgan feels moved to reciprocate your act of friendship with a trip to Iowa, I happen to know that it's lovely there in June. Especially for distance runners!
Chris Mattei is a Connecticut treasure and though I am sad that he wasn't elected as my state's attorney general back in 2018, I am so glad that he is providing such excellent representation to the families of Sandy Hook victims vs. Alex Jones.
I am old enough to remember when American Idiot came out during the George W Bush Administration. It is hard to even wrap my brain around how much idiotic it's gotten since then.
It's interesting to me that Gen Alpha and Gen Z are really obsessed with bringing back 90s and early 00s trends and music...something about that Bush-era coming back to haunt us. I started listening to Green Day again because my 13yo and her friends "discovered" them. And I felt like Winona Ryder in Heathers, smoking a cigarette covered in bomb ash.
I can relate! Though trying to bring back Dick Cheney was probably a step too far.
Middle-age is weird.
The perfect choice of music for the dingus this week. I saw Green Day play that whole album in 2005 in Pittsburgh. Shocking how much more it applies today and how I now sort of look back on the George W. Bush era as the "good old days"...... I had the best tour tshirt, but could no longer wear it as it was far too small. I gave it to a friend of my son back when they were in middle school and she was beside herself with joy. She is 22 now and still wears it. That makes me happy.
And it came out 2 years before Idiocracy which accurately predicted that I would be unironically wearing Crocs in the future.
Thank you for this!! And - American Idiot is perfect!
l think we might be selling RFK Jr and his brain worm short. They are going to drive demand for healthcare. If he gets his way, vaccines will be gone and the physical therapy profession will be in high demand when polio comes roaring back. Can’t wait to see how that goes.
Make America Polio-Striken Again
Iron lung manufacturers are gonna be raking it in.
Where it's really going to get interesting is when all they serve at McDonalds is bear and whale meat.
The McFozzi. The McYogi. The McWillie. McMoby. The McDick.
I have a phobia of hypodermics so bad that I often vomit when I have to have a blood test or get a vaccination. Thanks to Mr. Brainworm, I have gotten all my shots current since 2020 and will keep up forever, just to spite him.
oh, i think that the next four years will be every bit as bad as we thought, possibly worse. will our institutions survive? questionable.
I thank the Goddess for you. You made me laugh at this terrible, horrible, very bad, disgusting news.
"It’s going be a real shocker when the party that touts our military actually ends up completely dismantling it. That’s what we call dingus-on-dingus crime."
Let's not forget that they tout the military but gut the VA. And they want the most diverse organization in our country to be less woke. True dingusry in action.
Every week, without fail, you make me laugh/grimace/think/shout (the ol LGTS). Thank you. Also, I’m running my first Half tomorrow, and am sooo nervous- your words about running are exactly right to me, too. So much solace, strength, and community has come to me from this unexpected (and sometimes dumb) sport.
Jordan, you're gonna be amazing!!! You can do it! I was so nervous, too. Take in all the runners, spectators, music, signs, views. You're doing something that most people won't ever do! Best to you tomorrow, you got this!
Report back! We want to hear how it was! We know you’ll do great.
Better late than never? I DID IT! Well exceeded my goal, and soaked in some incredible views and energy from the running community and crowds. Fought tears of joy for the last mile, and finally let them flow as I hit the finish line and found my partner in the crowd. And...already signed up for the next one.
AWESOME!! I can’t wait to hear about the next one, too!!
So damn spot-on Lyz! So exactly "we have met the enemy, and they are us"! Being white and male, I can say that in truth. Being in Texas, sad that my vote was purely symbolic! Personal greed trumped human rights!
I so needed my morning cup of Billie Joe. (and Tré and Mike). I saw them this summer and their music is just as fresh (and applicable) as when it came out in the 90s and 2000s. They are also one of the bands who play for nearly 2 1/2 hours: they did all of Dookie and American Idiot, plus 8 or 9 other songs. Sadly, I got COVID at this show when we were all crammed onto the concourse during a thunderstorm, but at least I had my moment with them.
Things are going to get very dark, very fast. Remember to keep your own little light burning, take joy where you can, and never stop believing that a better future is possible.
Thanks for my Friday laugh/cry today, Lyz! The Miss Hannigan is now Secretary of Labor was exactly what I needed.
You had me at Molly Ivins today -- which reminds me to give some money and attention span to what's left of the Texas Observer, speaking of laughing through tears.
More proof of Orange Julius Caesar's governing style aka Flood The Zone. So much dingus-try, how to even pick a spot to kick back, never mind hold one's ground? The net effect of this fantasy Cabinet draft is that Marco Rubio will appear to be the grown-up in the room. Lyz-heads, the Rubio Abyss stares also. Avert your gaze! TGIF. Joy to those marathoning in Savannah and to all of us running toward our objectives.
Lyz, where is Morgan taking you out? The chow in Savannah is consistently excellent and the whole town lives up to its "what are you drinking?" reputation for welcoming.
The next person to say "he won't do everything he said, don't worry!" is going to get a feral as fuck response. I AM OVER IT.