You got two dingii for the price of one: Maureen Dowd AND James Carville. Well done!

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James Carville has been so bad for so long. He is exactly the type of insidery, smug, dismissive white man who prevents women from ascending through sheer assholery. It's like valorizing Joe Lieberman when he single-handedly prevented us from having single-payer healthcare. Imagine how different things had been had the world not decided Hillary Clinton was vile for not baking cookies. FFS.

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Mar 29·edited Mar 29Liked by lyz

Remember when everyone was like, "James Carville and Mary Matalin are proof you can put aside your political differences and be married to each other!!!" I don't know anything about her really but guessing that they are probably both dinguses and that's why the marriage works.

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I had to silence the new cowboy music to read this ... I can't concentrate on both. I didn't even know that Carville quote was from a Dowd article. Figures. She has been on my DNR list for years. Thanks for taking that bullet for me, for us. Back to the music ... happy Friday!

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"James Carville is a walking can of Axe body spray" has to be my favorite quote of the day. Once many years ago I finally felt like I could leave my kids home alone to go to my women's soccer game. (Hubby was out of town.) When I got back, a fire truck was at my house, and several firemen were lounging around my front porch. Seems my kids got in a fight, my daughter sprayed my son with a can of Axe, and it set the fire alarm off.

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Jessica Valentin (Abortion Every Day) has a weekly request to her readers for "one good thing this week". This takedown of James "J for Jerk" Carville is my submission. Clapping my hands gleefully in SD I am.

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YES! I cannot stand this man, thank you for this catharsis!!!

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They fret about the Democratic party being too feminine and not welcoming enough to men. While the Republican party is toxic masculinity embodied and it thinks women are property. But sure, 'both sides' 🙄

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Also, just WOW the wife in that reddit situation. POWER MOVE. I love it. I never really believe anything I read on reddit (or most of the internet) is real, but I believe that was written by a dude who doesn't even realize he doesn't miss her, he misses his mommy.

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Mar 29Liked by lyz

I just love this part of my week and you. And that Reddit post- perfection! 😂

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I also couldn't help but notice that the big Biden fundraiser last night noted by the NYT didn't include Hillary. Now, I'm sure someone will say that it was featuring former Democratic presidents, but WHOSE FAULT IS IT THAT'S A SAUSAGE FEST??? HUH?? I don't vote third party anymore because I have become more pragmatic and realistic about the limits of our electoral system as I've gotten older, but looking at the three of those guys smiling and glad-handing each other just made me tired.

But I'm sure it made James Carville, if not happy, slightly less wrung out like an old, white dish rag.

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Mar 29Liked by lyz

I didn't even know that fries dipped in ranch was a thing until I went to college in the northern part of my state (which is close to Pittsburgh, where it is a thing). Every month or so my husband and I have cheeseburgers at a local dive bar and I always get the hand cut fries with a side of ranch. We did this on Tuesday evening and it was heavenly as always. My mouth is watering just thinking about those fries and ranch. Also, James Carville sucks.

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For the record, I come from the land of good pizza (NJ/NY) and have lived in the midwest now for over 20 years, and while I thought ranch on pizza was blasphemous originally, I tasted it and now fully support. Proof that PEOPLE CAN CHANGE (also maybe another addition to last week's conversation about things we used to believe).

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Mar 29Liked by lyz

I grew up in Sheboygan! I am shocked, SHOCKED that there exists a restaurant in the county that does not serve ranch dressing. My only explanation is that Elkhart Lake is perhaps more touristy than other locales. Makes me think of the best fair food in the state of Wisconsin, hot Wisconsin cheese. Fried cheese on steroids and best served with RANCH DRESSING. 😂 I share your outrage, is what I’m saying.

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I'm a therapist and I recommended your book (and you, in general, to read) to clients twice this week.

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Mar 29Liked by lyz

My life would be a sad dark hole without the DotW.

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