ALSO, if you have come to tell me that the quote is from Steel Magnolias and not Fried Green Tomatoes. I noticed the error and changed it immediately while yelling OH SHIT!

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There absolutely were intense meetings about that Boeing em dash!!!!

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There were a lot of high six-figure salaries in a room deciding WHAT THAT EM DASH COMMUNICATES TO THEIR STAKEHOLDERS while planes were just killing people

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Previously in my professional career, I was required to complete a second master's degree to be considered for tenure and promotion. I chose the tech writing track in that university's English department, somewhat because the editing and document design were handy for my job but mostly because all the classes were at night after I worked. The first class I attended was a kind of intro to the program, and in lieu of a lesson, the instructor had us go around the room for introductions. No fool, he. English majors are very competitive once they come out of their bashful pose, and the intros were sounding more like pitches for their second novels along with all the "unhelpful" notes they got on their first novels -- autobios are fine, just maybe change some names and follow the novel format? maybe? -- and we clearly were not doing more than this on that evening. Anywhoodles, the student who went second to last was very concise about her intro: "I graduated with a worthless degree in history this past spring and I chose this program because tech writers at FedEx make (a number that had no basis in reality even 20+ years ago) and that's the minimum I'd accept with this degree." Bam. The student who went last was me, and I explained that I was a librarian at this very university, I already had one master's degree, and I'd been working in my field almost ten years already... and I barely made 2/3 of that number with no basis in reality. The student with the tight intro looked right at me and said in her outside voice that I made a stupid career choice.

All this to say, I feel pretty good about the chances that this student is now a big-shot consultant who checks in with the Boeing fabulists whose assistants write public-facing mission statement copy, and those assistants absolutely make high six-figures. Their paystubs can be used as flotation devices in the event of water landings. Just not on the planes us little people are riding, of course.

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arrrrrghhhh. What was the title of that movie? I Can Do Bad All By Myself. Students can be motherfluffing cruel. What is it about academia that someone decided those of us who do the heavy lifting weren't worth paying a living wage?

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At the time, I chalked it up to her being a child who walked across the stage at graduation and into a master's program without ever having worked even for an allowance. But I don't know her story beyond what she shared in class that day, and I do know who my heroes are -- nurses, school teachers, and public librarians -- so she did her and I do me. Being kind (which sometimes means being silent) doesn't cost us anything, no matter our station in life. Punching down is so hot right now, though. Maybe she was just ahead of her time? I should have kept her name to use a reference.

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To not punching down.

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Thanks again to everyone voting in the Dingus Madness bracket poll! The good news is that half of the Dinguses were eliminated in round 1, so when you vote this week you only have to prove your humanity to the free bracket poll tool 8 times instead of 16.

Here are the Sour 16 match-ups:

* Mike Johnson vs. 118th Congress

* Alex Jones vs. Lindsey Graham

* Matt Gaetz vs. Lauren Boebert

* Mitch McConnell vs. People Who Think Drag Shows are Hurting the Children

* Everyone Banning Books vs. The Supreme Court

* People Outlawing Trans Girls from Sports vs. Greg Abbott

* Elon Musk vs. Ted Cruz

* Andrew Tate vs. Ken Paxton

Some seriously tough choices in this round. How do you choose between Musk and Cruz? Or Gaetz and Boebert? You can vote as many times as you wish in any or all of the match-ups, and the results will be revealed within the poll on Monday at 12pm eastern.

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These match ups are so good I was gasping while voting!

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Some incredibly tough choices!

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as you pointed out, beau, these are seriously tough choices. perhaps taking the time to prove that i am a human will give me the space to truly assess their awfulness?

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Any time to reflect on my humanity determined by whether I can pick out in a line up the food stuff from the non food stuff, is valuable self reflecting soul work for me personally.

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time well spent, right?

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Oof. I'm gonna need to ruminate over these choice whilst sipping some whiskey.

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Beau, you are doing the lord’s work.

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Your interview on the Today Show was PURE GOLD!!!!! So was this Dingus essay, as always! xo

Cats can be jerks! But, I still love my cat (and all cats!) ^. .^

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Not for nothing, there's some chatter in Avgeek circles that the LATAM incident was caused when the pilot adjusted his seat to eat and inadvertently knocked the control column.

That said, Boeing has now given us textbook examples of the pitfalls of outsourcing, 'continuous improvement,' and what happens when your business goes from one that's run by engineers to one that's beholden to driving shareholder value.

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This is what I came to say. Boeing was once a massive company run by engineers who put the quality and safety of their planes first. Now it’s an even larger company run by accountants who put quarterly profits first.

This may be splitting hairs, but capitalism itself isn’t the problem, rather it’s when capitalists are given full control that things go to shit.

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Yes, even NASCAR figured out you have to have guard rails and catch fences so cars don't fly into the stands and kill the paying customers. Capitalism needs the same.

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I don’t even think they’re accountants. They’re MBAs. Much worse.

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And from unionized workforce to whatever the hell is going on in South Carolina and elsewhere, speaking of unwelcome demotions in quality control.

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The recent Last Week Tonight episode on Boeing covers that change in more detail than I needed as a naturally anxious person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8oCilY4szc

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I came here to mention this. John Oliver and his team are incredible!

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The "less family, more team" bit is hysterical and truly disturbing on multiple levels.

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WHY WOULD YOU EVEN HAVE THAT SORT OF SWITCH TO BEGIN WITH?! Much less have it without any sort of safety mechanism??? Also, I love it when aerospace engineers blame pilots for failures.....but then later claim pilots do nothing because everything is mechanized. And it's like, which is it? WHICH IS IT??

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There are a lot of personal reasons for this but I have LOTS of experience with aerospace engineers as a GENRE.

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I'm sure my father's ashes are spinning in his urn. And quite a few uncles as well.

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"Frankly, this level of chaos is inspiring. Get ready girls, because we are in our Boeing era — screws loose, dangerous to be around, and lacking any and all accountability." CRYING and also 100% accurate.

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Truly this quote is incredible.

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"So the good news is irony isn’t dead, but the bad news is, if you fly Boeing you might be."

Lyz - 1 million points, Boeing - 0

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I don’t think I voted in last year’s bracket (I know, I know) but DANG a lot of these today were close.

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This is the first year of the Dingus Madness bracket poll, so you are in on the ground floor of the fun. The original 32 in this poll were selected from Dinguses of the Week 2020-2023. I think next year I'll just go with the top Dinguses of 2024 and perhaps include top contenders from this year's tournament.

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The last report I read (sorry, no link) said that there's no verification that the door's bolts were ever present. I don't know what was holding it in place before it flew off - duct tape?

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nah the accountants nixed duct tape as too expensive. I'm going with off brand scotch tape.

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I heard their bolts ran off with their nuts 🧐😱🤣

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"But what do I know? I am not a captain of American industry because I don’t like killing people."

This really is the answer to why I will never have silly money. I have too man ethics and morals for that.

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I am sideways on the floor laughing at the idea of Alex Jones eating ass the way Donald Trump eats pizza! Thank you!!!!

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Okay. I don't care who does or doesn't do it, and maybe I'm a kink shamer, but eating ass just isn't on my bucket list. Or any of my lists. Gack. But I'm on the Ozempic and a lot of things make me nauseous. As the Crooked media kids say, what a week, Lyz! I saw your interview with the Today gang and it was great! Your book has been spinning in my head ever since I listened to it, and it has spurred much conversation.

Has Netanyahu been a dingus yet? I mean...

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Unanimous election into the Dingus Hall of Fame = it's understood Netanyahu would win every week if eligible. He may not even be the dingus-iest member of Israeli government right now, either. Very deep dingus bench there.

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To be fair, the invisible hand of capitalism was supposed to have tightened those Boeing bolts, but it was condemned by Republicans as unnecessary government socialism and was promptly thrown out.

Side note: is it not perfect irony that this post came the same day I’m flying back home for the weekend?

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I watched the baby fox video and 1) I don't know that the creepy mask is really all that necessary because it's not like they SMELL or SOUND like foxes but anyway and 2) WT absolute F is the reporter wearing?????? She looks like an Imperial officer on a Star Destroyer

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That reporter is the beloved Jeanne Moos of CNN. She does all the quirky and odd stuff, and some of her best are real hoots.

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So... does anyone know if there's a way to find out what plane you're going to be on when you book the flight? It's Airbuses only for me now, I'm afraid, lol.

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Typically when you are making a flight reservation online the aircraft type that is scheduled will be listed. That doesn't guarantee that's the plane you will end up flying on but it typically is. I always check so that I can go to SeatGuru.com to make sure I pick a good seat.

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Thanks! I had a feeling it was, but I've never thought to look before.

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I just read the Scientific American article. Boy, do I love it when implicit (and explicit) gender bias of ‘science facts’ is revealed. I will never stop recommending Emily Martin’s classic in this genre, The Egg and the Sperm.


As a grad student I was fortunate to hear her present an early version of this paper as a conference talk. It remains the best academic presentation I’ve ever seen

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