John Ashcroft is also the puritanical dingus who had the Spirit of Justice statue in the Justice Department covered up because it had one bare boob. No, really -- check his google search history from 2001 and I would bet you there's a whole list of "burqas for 13-foot-tall women."

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Ashcroft also lost a Senate race to a dead guy

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Came here to say this. My FIL defended it tho I can't remember how.

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Probably something to do with Jesus?

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I just told my husband that, it's the first thing I remember about Ashcroft.

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I remember this. What a putz.

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Congratulations on your award!!

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You're always on good form, but today's Dingus writing was just delightful!

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Absolutely brilliantly written - love it - and very broad based and makes the argument quite difficult to be refuted.

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It makes me sad that I share a birthday with that dead asshole Limbaugh. But it pleases me that he's dead and I'm not.

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Dingus of the Week is too good for these three malicious men. You, on the other hand, are so deserving of your award. Thank you for your wonderful writing.

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Sadly, this is what comes to my mind when I hear John Ashcroft's name:


My potato pain.

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I want to see polling on this (or maybe I don't??) My impression this whole campaign has been that Kamala is painfully aware of all the prejudices and biases, and has been bending over backwards to avoid fitting into any of them, walking that impossible tightrope as perfectly as any human could. But I'm already on her side. And the people who are against her are going to hate. What I'm wondering is whether or to what extent uncommitted voters are falling into those misogynist traps, or if we're just hearing from bloviating pundits.

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Most important: I give money to Iowa Abortion Access, and y'all should too. (Also your local women's clinic, in my case Emma Goldman. The local probably needs volunteers as well.)

Re: Frank Luntz. It's my belief that men like your dinguses are already unhappy and women's expressions remind them they're not and why. The patriarchy grants privilege, not joy. YMMV, of course.

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Limbaugh in the spin class-- what a fabulous image! Thank you!

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That description had me in stitches!

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I loved that!! I hope he’s wearing spandex that creeps up into his butt crack and pinches his legs, too.

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This is a good curse

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Please use it as much as you wish! I live only to serve!

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There are so many dingii mentioned here I can barely keep up!

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Way to go on the award! And yeah, kids are your trolls IRL.

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The only people allowed to troll me, god bless them.

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Good work, as always.

Just went back down the rabbit hole on the John Ashcroft hospital bed confrontation scene. Two things are striking: (1) how small the rosters really are, as these people doing that stuff in 2005 end up still being players in the Trump years, in very different roles and (2) having no idea what is actually true, *this* is the story these players want told.

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Here in Mo. we just pencil in the entire state GOP and right wing media for permanent dingus status. They've turned this state into a disaster zone (see Sarah Kendzior and Jess Piper), for which they'd never accept any federal money, because woke. And props to the abortion measure activists -- they collected *200K more* signatures than needed. I just wish Arkansas' democracy meddlers weren't successful, or they'd be voting on reproductive rights with us in November. Now if I can just find enough potatoes to cope between now and the election...

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Congrats on the Author Award! 🥇 yay!!

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As a Missouri resident Ashcroft is disappointing on so many levels (but much of the MO gov is🙄). Very excited for abortion to be on the ballot- let's watch how the ignore the will of the people when we overwhelmingly vote for it....

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