Tomorrow night is the second presidential debate this year, but the first between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. And we have lived a lot of life between June and now. I will be hosting a debate watch party on Substack chat for paying subscribers. The email invite will go out all paid tomorrow at noon.
But in the meantime, I am curious, if you could moderate the debate, what questions would you ask either Trump or Harris?
Normally this Monday discussion is for subscribers only, but today I am opening the topic up for all subscribers as a little treat. So, as a reminder, do not attack one another. Assume the best of each other. Don’t be dinguses.
The one thing I would like to see is questions for both candidates about - specifically - what they are going to do to make Americans' lives better. Instead, we'll likely see them ask Harris how she feels about Trump's latest attack.
Yeah, I think her shift toward supporting fracking is a nightmare. But also, I don’t actually trust anything said before the election when it comes to policy. Maybe that cynical of me, but I think we need to get her into office and then push her as hard as possible to be as remarkable as possible when it comes to protecting the planet, the people who live there, etc. And I keep in mind that even if the President of the United States is the most powerful position on earth, without a cooperative Congress there is not that much that can get done. So let’s hope she gets in and the Democrats get a majority in Congress.
Agreed. The fossil fuel industry is completely ruthless. Don't show your hand until elected. You have to be strategic with people who are willing to destroy the planet for money.
She might dispute the premise, but I would like an answer to How much of the return to New Deal/Great Society aspirations in the current administration would you like to further, or at least continue? The fracking statement seemed to me a worrisome attempt to try to dress up neoliberal policy as a means of defusing the false notion that the Dems are Hard on big business...when, if anything, they've been too lenient with big business in the years since neoliberals took control of the party hierarchy (at least since the New Democrats incursion/ Dukakis presidential run).
I would ask Harris how she plans to stop the genocide in Gaza. And I wouldn’t expect a straight answer because I don’t think we’re going to get a straight answer unless she gets elected. It is too dangerous for her, not to toe the line on continuing to arm Israel. I know that people have many other concerns as well. But this question is at the top of my list.
I care very much what Trump would do, but he’s a lying liar who lies. So I wouldn’t have any question for him because I wouldn’t believe anything he said
This. This is why I'd just ask him very basic, simple, 'things students learn in middle-school' about the government questions. Because then even school children will be able to see that he is a lying liar who lies.
We’ve seen Trump debate and be president but we haven’t seen those things of Harris yet. I do think assuming the best of people is key here in the comments. It’s not wrong to want to know more about a particular candidate
I would be interested in both candidate's response to eliminating the maximum taxable income limit (income cap)on Social Security taxes. Most economists believe that doing so would secure the system indefinitely.
“Vice President Harris, knowing that domestic goals are aspirations sharply controlled by Congress, but foreign policy is almost entirely driven by the President, if elected President, how do you see the wars in Ukraine and Gaza ending? Also, where will you take America’s relationship with China? Thank you.”
Here's hoping this watch party is less doom-heavy than the last one! The one bright spot of that first debate was having others to commiserate with, so I'm definitely going to be there again. I hope she mops the floor with him the way she did with the Dems in the 2020 primary debate.
That last debate was bad vibes all the way through and my first thought was that it was incredibly foolish of the Democrats to schedule a debate so early. Now of course I am glad they did because they have a much better candidate now!
I'll tune in and join the Substack chat (higher hopes for Substack this time too!) but likely will join late because tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of my first day as a dad.
I am reminded of eight years of W and listening to him sprain the English language in all his pantomimes of communication... and everyone said, oh, Obama is such a dreamy communicator by comparison. True. That also seemed to be the extent of accountability for Obama's terms in office for many of us. I hope after the last 12 years, we all have higher aspirations for the next POTUS office-holder.
i'm no expert moderator but i would be asking leading questions to get trump to admit more of his dictator aspirations like "how cool was jan 6th? what would you have done different?"
Agree with this -- all these policy questions for Kamala matter only insofar as Donald Trump and the courts let her become president. So: "President Trump, if you are not the highest vote-getter, will you accept the results of the election? If you already say you will not, should your supporters bother to vote?"
For Trump: “Sen. Vance has said that grandparents should be more involved in childcare - how many hours per week do you watch your grandkids? How many hours per week should family members be volunteering so that parents can go to work?”
I would ask both of them their views on the war in Ukraine and Gaza. Then I would ask them why and what kind of global impact their decision would have.
"Vice president Harris: On your website it states that you "...will make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act..." Can you please provide specific examples?
For either: What will you do to repair/improve the nation's air system (air traffic control, staffing, etc.)?
I would ask her about Supreme Court reform, how she plans to continue to support Ukraine with a hostile congress, will she ask her State Department to enforce the Leahy Law in regards to Israel, how will she support Gazans going forward and work towards ending the war, what will she do to stop the further erosion of women's rights, and what she's going to do about Ken Paxton's attempt to prevent interstate travel for women seeking abortions.
I would ask Harris whether she will support and push for an independent investigation of the death of Aysenur Eygi. She can't commit to an arms embargo against Israel and expect to get elected, but this case regarding an American citizen might allow her to approach the question of accountability for the Israeli government without screwing herself.
I want to ask Trump, "You've said you'll be a dictator for only the first day. So, what happens on Day 2? What can your opponents expect from you in terms of treatment, and what can those voters who opposed you expect from you in terms of representation and/or safety?"
It's very in the future, but I can see a question to both of them like:
"A Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2016 by President Obama pledged the United States pledges to provide $38 billion in military aid ($33 billion in Foreign Military Financing grants plus $5 billion in missile defense appropriations) to Israel through 2028. What would be your priorities, as President, in negotiating the next Memorandum?
I don’t know what questions I would ask BUT I would have the debate set up such that I would allow the candidates to talk freely - gloves off - no negotiating ahead of time.
We've been experiencing an increasing number of "extreme weather events" -- fires, hurricanes, high heat, floods, heavy rainstorms, etc., etc. for several years now. They are overpowering our infrastructure, leaving people without homes, roads to travel on, electricity to heat or cool themselves, public transportation to take to jobs and schools, etc. etc. What are your plans to fix the infrastructure issues and keep the climate from tipping over into extreme weather all the time?
It's interesting that you didn't ask what questions we would ask Trump. I think we all know that he doesn't really answer questions but just rambles about whatever pops into his head. I would try to ask him, maybe just to trigger a sensitive area for him, given that Trump's father had Alzheimer's disease, and that Trump is now in his late 70s and has been exhibiting signs of cognitive decline, would he be willing to take the cognitive test again, now, with a panel of experts able to review and report the results. Trump has said that he thinks all Presidents should take the test. He agreed to take it as long as Biden would take it at the same time. So what about him taking the test?
Lots of good posts about questions for Harris. I have a feeling Harris will do a good job answering questions in the way all politicians do/must at this stage, but Trump will be his usual word salad self. I would love to see the moderators point this out.
I did ask in the body of the discussion post what people would ask either candidate (it's bolded above). The title called out Harris because I was limited with the characters I could use for a newsletter title and because, as of yet, no one has seen her run the country. But we've heard a lot from Trump, so I used her in the title. But again, as you can see clearly, in the body of the discussion post I called out questions for both.
I would like to see real, detailed answers on the questions… not just I’m going to make the border safer. I’m going to reduce inflation- how, tell me how! That is what the American people need to know…
We are approaching the start of the 6th year of the coronavirus pandemic. What is your plan to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2? (I would ask this because I am genuinely curious. I expect both would say that their current/previous administrations have already ended it or it's under control or we have the tools or whatever.)
When will you implement a vacancy tax on residential properties? (I would ask this because a vacancy tax would disincentivize the hoarding of housing. Waive the tax for the first two properties because it's still the american dream to have a vacation home/cottage, and charge a 100% tax on any additional properties that are not occupied for at least 6 months and a day in the previous year.)
I would like to hear Harris talk about what she would do to strengthen our democratic institutions - Supreme Court reform, voting reform, Electoral College abolishment.... How do we make sure that even if someone like Trump wins down the road that they can't just become dictators for life?
Do you see the USA’s relationship with Israel changing due to their actions in Palestine? Under your administration, would you support continued financial, material, and ideological support of Israel, knowing the continuing and worsening plight of the citizens of Gaza?
Honestly, the only thing I want to ask Trump is, "What the hell is wrong with you?" And I still guess the answer would be a word salad about tariffs or some other pile of words that ran through his mind like raccoons through a garbage-strewn alley and escaped through his mouth.
There is a worldwide housing crisis, with the need for affordable shelter competing with investors planning to build equity. Downpayment assistance isn't the answer. Short-term rentals are part of the problem in tight markets. Another contributing factor are big national and multi-national corporations and local REALTORS who prioritize selling to investors rather than those who plan to live in the home. What will you do to assist prospective homebuyers to compete with real estate investors, particularly when inventory is so low? What will you do to help existing homeowners stay in their homes as property taxes keep rising due to perceived or actual increases in assessed valuation? If they can't afford to pay taxes the increase in value won't matter.
I would ask her why the government hasn't prosecuted Trump for aiding and abetting the death of a half-million Americans with his lies about and inaction on the pandemic.
Trump has said he would get rid of the Department of Education - I'd like to know what he would do instead. I'd also like to know what Harris has in mind in terms of the failures of standardized testing. How would they support teachers?
First, I would ask whether not they WILL amend the constitution to include the ERA? It has finally been ratified by the required 32 states and needs no further vote or debate. Women NEED this amendment to enshrine our rights into the American constitution, leaving no doubt we are equal citizens under the law.
Second, I would ask whether they would support an amendment to dissolve the electoral college and set term limits for ALL branches of government, in order to move our country forward with a congressional and judicial branch more representative of the actual people.
These two things would fix most things that are threatening women's rights at this time.
I’m interested in the affordable housing - it better not just be section 8 or only for low income folks. And I am hoping there is plenty of that as well as middle class housing.
I hope the plan will have more plan development that includes all levels of incomes in communities.
I want someone to just point blank ask Trump why he belittles women so much, why he can't speak coherently, why he can't pay for a better spray tan with all that money he has, and who the fuck does he think he's fooling with his comb over. You know, all the serious questions. ;-) And I realize this is stupid because I wouldn't want these type of questions asked about Kamala's appearance but I'm dying to know.
Is the plural of dingus dingii? My Q’s: 1) What should the President’s role be in securing a healthy democracy? 2) What is your approach to combatting misinformation?
This is more of a vent than a sample question, but I'm not looking forward to the debate or its aftermath.
On Sunday, I was moderating a town hall/breakfast at my synagogue with Nick LaLota, our local MoC, who is fairly Republican but able to function and provide services in a purple/leaning red district (NY-1). I asked him what his debate advice to Trump would be, and he said, "Let her talk" to laughter in the audience. I didn't want to kill all the vibes - it was actually a pretty frank, detailed conversation to that point - but I was thinking, "Have you even ever HEARD your guy?"
It's like people pretending that the sky is green. And they all know better.
I saw a post on Tumblr with questions for journalists to ask Trump that are very basic things a President should understand. Like "Can you explain the three branches of government?" "What is the role of congress?" "Define migrant, immigrant and refugee."
I would ask VP Harris, who speaks positively about our military, and her chosen VP who served, what she would do to bring the issues of rape, sexual assault, and sex discrimination in our military, particularly against women, to the forefront of discussion once again. Just because nobody is talking about it does not mean it isn’t happening. And any trial or court martial or justice for the victim is handled within the good ole boy network of the military. Every sexual assault should be handled by a state or federal court of law, and justice meted out by a jury of our peers, not a jury made up of the very institution that has allowed these practices to continue for far too long.
As the former AG of California, I want to see this change occur while Harris is in office. Can we please, finally see justice done for women who serve? I would like to be proud of my military service without the ambivalence I feel now concerning my own experience. I deserve, as do all service women past and present, to hold their heads high and say, I’m proud to have served my country. Thanks for giving us a space to ask, Lyz.
The climate change one is of particular importance to me.
The one thing I would like to see is questions for both candidates about - specifically - what they are going to do to make Americans' lives better. Instead, we'll likely see them ask Harris how she feels about Trump's latest attack.
Is she for or against fracking? She seems to be trying to play both sides here.
Oh this is a good one. I've been curious about this policy position as well.
(Looks like my response to the fracking question has disappeared in the ether. Not sure why....?)
Yeah, I think her shift toward supporting fracking is a nightmare. But also, I don’t actually trust anything said before the election when it comes to policy. Maybe that cynical of me, but I think we need to get her into office and then push her as hard as possible to be as remarkable as possible when it comes to protecting the planet, the people who live there, etc. And I keep in mind that even if the President of the United States is the most powerful position on earth, without a cooperative Congress there is not that much that can get done. So let’s hope she gets in and the Democrats get a majority in Congress.
Agreed. The fossil fuel industry is completely ruthless. Don't show your hand until elected. You have to be strategic with people who are willing to destroy the planet for money.
She might dispute the premise, but I would like an answer to How much of the return to New Deal/Great Society aspirations in the current administration would you like to further, or at least continue? The fracking statement seemed to me a worrisome attempt to try to dress up neoliberal policy as a means of defusing the false notion that the Dems are Hard on big business...when, if anything, they've been too lenient with big business in the years since neoliberals took control of the party hierarchy (at least since the New Democrats incursion/ Dukakis presidential run).
I would ask Harris how she plans to stop the genocide in Gaza. And I wouldn’t expect a straight answer because I don’t think we’re going to get a straight answer unless she gets elected. It is too dangerous for her, not to toe the line on continuing to arm Israel. I know that people have many other concerns as well. But this question is at the top of my list.
Why does no one care what Trump would do?
I care very much what Trump would do, but he’s a lying liar who lies. So I wouldn’t have any question for him because I wouldn’t believe anything he said
Also, Lyz asked what questions would you ask Harris.many respondents have chosen to ignore that.
I actually asked about both candidates
My thought exactly!! What’s the point?!
This. This is why I'd just ask him very basic, simple, 'things students learn in middle-school' about the government questions. Because then even school children will be able to see that he is a lying liar who lies.
We’ve seen Trump debate and be president but we haven’t seen those things of Harris yet. I do think assuming the best of people is key here in the comments. It’s not wrong to want to know more about a particular candidate
I would be interested in both candidate's response to eliminating the maximum taxable income limit (income cap)on Social Security taxes. Most economists believe that doing so would secure the system indefinitely.
Bravo! Bravo! I've been arguing for that for many years. I think my cat is convinced by now.
I recently published a post mentioning that very point and am encouraging people to write to their elected representatives to make it happen:
I ween the restoration of the United States Postal Savings Bank would send a positive message as well.
“Vice President Harris, knowing that domestic goals are aspirations sharply controlled by Congress, but foreign policy is almost entirely driven by the President, if elected President, how do you see the wars in Ukraine and Gaza ending? Also, where will you take America’s relationship with China? Thank you.”
Here's hoping this watch party is less doom-heavy than the last one! The one bright spot of that first debate was having others to commiserate with, so I'm definitely going to be there again. I hope she mops the floor with him the way she did with the Dems in the 2020 primary debate.
That last debate was bad vibes all the way through and my first thought was that it was incredibly foolish of the Democrats to schedule a debate so early. Now of course I am glad they did because they have a much better candidate now!
It was so hard to watch the last one. Neither one of them could form sentences! I have higher hopes for this one.
I'll tune in and join the Substack chat (higher hopes for Substack this time too!) but likely will join late because tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of my first day as a dad.
Happy birthday to the lucky 12-year-old. If I am interpreting that comment correctly. If not, please let me know. 🎉🎉🎉
Thank you! You interpreted it exactly right.
I am reminded of eight years of W and listening to him sprain the English language in all his pantomimes of communication... and everyone said, oh, Obama is such a dreamy communicator by comparison. True. That also seemed to be the extent of accountability for Obama's terms in office for many of us. I hope after the last 12 years, we all have higher aspirations for the next POTUS office-holder.
i'm no expert moderator but i would be asking leading questions to get trump to admit more of his dictator aspirations like "how cool was jan 6th? what would you have done different?"
Agree with this -- all these policy questions for Kamala matter only insofar as Donald Trump and the courts let her become president. So: "President Trump, if you are not the highest vote-getter, will you accept the results of the election? If you already say you will not, should your supporters bother to vote?"
I would ask them both what they plan to do in order to reduce the wealth gap between the super-rich and everyone else.
I would ask them both if they thought too much money in politics was a problem and, if so, what are 2-3 things they could do as President to fix it.
I would also ask them both how they would plan to make the Postal Service work better for more of the country.
I would ask Trump to answer - yes or no - if he would sign a nation-wide 15 week abortion ban if it came to his desk.
I would ask Harris, as a former state AG, what she would want her own AG's priorities to be.
For Trump: “Sen. Vance has said that grandparents should be more involved in childcare - how many hours per week do you watch your grandkids? How many hours per week should family members be volunteering so that parents can go to work?”
I would ask both of them their views on the war in Ukraine and Gaza. Then I would ask them why and what kind of global impact their decision would have.
Name every capital city in each Canadian province and territory, clockwise
A skills test...? At this late date in electoral history? Bold choice.
One or both candidates may have to take the physical challenge, instead -- which might be your objective. VERY bold choice.
I had to write a briefing note for my job! They should have to write one for theirs!
"Vice president Harris: On your website it states that you "...will make affordable health care a right, not a privilege by expanding and strengthening the Affordable Care Act..." Can you please provide specific examples?
For either: What will you do to repair/improve the nation's air system (air traffic control, staffing, etc.)?
I would ask her about Supreme Court reform, how she plans to continue to support Ukraine with a hostile congress, will she ask her State Department to enforce the Leahy Law in regards to Israel, how will she support Gazans going forward and work towards ending the war, what will she do to stop the further erosion of women's rights, and what she's going to do about Ken Paxton's attempt to prevent interstate travel for women seeking abortions.
Came here to ask about enforcing Leahy
Trump - where's your family during this campaign cycle? Harris and Walz have obvious family support, and I anticipate a triggering effect.
I’d ask Harris if she’d have the courage to do what Mike Pence could not in the event of a Trump win.
Could you clarify? I am genuinely unclear what you mean by this.
sorry I was being snarky! Trump wanted Pence to refuse to certify Biden's election and then got big mad when Pence did what he was supposed to do.
Thanks! Sometimes online snark is hard for me to decipher. :-)
I would ask Harris whether she will support and push for an independent investigation of the death of Aysenur Eygi. She can't commit to an arms embargo against Israel and expect to get elected, but this case regarding an American citizen might allow her to approach the question of accountability for the Israeli government without screwing herself.
I want to ask Trump, "You've said you'll be a dictator for only the first day. So, what happens on Day 2? What can your opponents expect from you in terms of treatment, and what can those voters who opposed you expect from you in terms of representation and/or safety?"
It's very in the future, but I can see a question to both of them like:
"A Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2016 by President Obama pledged the United States pledges to provide $38 billion in military aid ($33 billion in Foreign Military Financing grants plus $5 billion in missile defense appropriations) to Israel through 2028. What would be your priorities, as President, in negotiating the next Memorandum?
I don’t know what questions I would ask BUT I would have the debate set up such that I would allow the candidates to talk freely - gloves off - no negotiating ahead of time.
We've been experiencing an increasing number of "extreme weather events" -- fires, hurricanes, high heat, floods, heavy rainstorms, etc., etc. for several years now. They are overpowering our infrastructure, leaving people without homes, roads to travel on, electricity to heat or cool themselves, public transportation to take to jobs and schools, etc. etc. What are your plans to fix the infrastructure issues and keep the climate from tipping over into extreme weather all the time?
"As California AG, you repeatedly enforced and defended the death penalty. What is your current position?"
It's interesting that you didn't ask what questions we would ask Trump. I think we all know that he doesn't really answer questions but just rambles about whatever pops into his head. I would try to ask him, maybe just to trigger a sensitive area for him, given that Trump's father had Alzheimer's disease, and that Trump is now in his late 70s and has been exhibiting signs of cognitive decline, would he be willing to take the cognitive test again, now, with a panel of experts able to review and report the results. Trump has said that he thinks all Presidents should take the test. He agreed to take it as long as Biden would take it at the same time. So what about him taking the test?
Lots of good posts about questions for Harris. I have a feeling Harris will do a good job answering questions in the way all politicians do/must at this stage, but Trump will be his usual word salad self. I would love to see the moderators point this out.
I did ask in the body of the discussion post what people would ask either candidate (it's bolded above). The title called out Harris because I was limited with the characters I could use for a newsletter title and because, as of yet, no one has seen her run the country. But we've heard a lot from Trump, so I used her in the title. But again, as you can see clearly, in the body of the discussion post I called out questions for both.
Oops! Sorry I missed that. We have heard a lot from Trump already. Too much!!
I would like to see real, detailed answers on the questions… not just I’m going to make the border safer. I’m going to reduce inflation- how, tell me how! That is what the American people need to know…
We are approaching the start of the 6th year of the coronavirus pandemic. What is your plan to mitigate the spread of SARS-CoV-2? (I would ask this because I am genuinely curious. I expect both would say that their current/previous administrations have already ended it or it's under control or we have the tools or whatever.)
When will you implement a vacancy tax on residential properties? (I would ask this because a vacancy tax would disincentivize the hoarding of housing. Waive the tax for the first two properties because it's still the american dream to have a vacation home/cottage, and charge a 100% tax on any additional properties that are not occupied for at least 6 months and a day in the previous year.)
"How do you sleep at night, knowing that our country is funding and aiding a genocide as well as intentionally steering the world into World War III?"
I would like to hear Harris talk about what she would do to strengthen our democratic institutions - Supreme Court reform, voting reform, Electoral College abolishment.... How do we make sure that even if someone like Trump wins down the road that they can't just become dictators for life?
VP Harris, should we eliminate the electoral college? Why or why not?
Do you see the USA’s relationship with Israel changing due to their actions in Palestine? Under your administration, would you support continued financial, material, and ideological support of Israel, knowing the continuing and worsening plight of the citizens of Gaza?
Honestly, the only thing I want to ask Trump is, "What the hell is wrong with you?" And I still guess the answer would be a word salad about tariffs or some other pile of words that ran through his mind like raccoons through a garbage-strewn alley and escaped through his mouth.
There is a worldwide housing crisis, with the need for affordable shelter competing with investors planning to build equity. Downpayment assistance isn't the answer. Short-term rentals are part of the problem in tight markets. Another contributing factor are big national and multi-national corporations and local REALTORS who prioritize selling to investors rather than those who plan to live in the home. What will you do to assist prospective homebuyers to compete with real estate investors, particularly when inventory is so low? What will you do to help existing homeowners stay in their homes as property taxes keep rising due to perceived or actual increases in assessed valuation? If they can't afford to pay taxes the increase in value won't matter.
How will you help citizens fight Citizens United (2010) and the resulting unlimited campaign spending without a lot of accountability?
I would ask her why the government hasn't prosecuted Trump for aiding and abetting the death of a half-million Americans with his lies about and inaction on the pandemic.
Trump has said he would get rid of the Department of Education - I'd like to know what he would do instead. I'd also like to know what Harris has in mind in terms of the failures of standardized testing. How would they support teachers?
First, I would ask whether not they WILL amend the constitution to include the ERA? It has finally been ratified by the required 32 states and needs no further vote or debate. Women NEED this amendment to enshrine our rights into the American constitution, leaving no doubt we are equal citizens under the law.
Second, I would ask whether they would support an amendment to dissolve the electoral college and set term limits for ALL branches of government, in order to move our country forward with a congressional and judicial branch more representative of the actual people.
These two things would fix most things that are threatening women's rights at this time.
Ask Trump which department in the US is responsible for collecting the China tariff money and how do they get permission to spend it.
I’m interested in the affordable housing - it better not just be section 8 or only for low income folks. And I am hoping there is plenty of that as well as middle class housing.
I hope the plan will have more plan development that includes all levels of incomes in communities.
I want someone to just point blank ask Trump why he belittles women so much, why he can't speak coherently, why he can't pay for a better spray tan with all that money he has, and who the fuck does he think he's fooling with his comb over. You know, all the serious questions. ;-) And I realize this is stupid because I wouldn't want these type of questions asked about Kamala's appearance but I'm dying to know.
Mr Trump, I think I speak for many Americans when I ask, why are you like this?
And if you'll allow for a brief follow-up: could you not???
Is the plural of dingus dingii? My Q’s: 1) What should the President’s role be in securing a healthy democracy? 2) What is your approach to combatting misinformation?
I would ask Harris whether she will stop funding the genocide in Palestine?! 🇵🇸
This is more of a vent than a sample question, but I'm not looking forward to the debate or its aftermath.
On Sunday, I was moderating a town hall/breakfast at my synagogue with Nick LaLota, our local MoC, who is fairly Republican but able to function and provide services in a purple/leaning red district (NY-1). I asked him what his debate advice to Trump would be, and he said, "Let her talk" to laughter in the audience. I didn't want to kill all the vibes - it was actually a pretty frank, detailed conversation to that point - but I was thinking, "Have you even ever HEARD your guy?"
It's like people pretending that the sky is green. And they all know better.
I saw a post on Tumblr with questions for journalists to ask Trump that are very basic things a President should understand. Like "Can you explain the three branches of government?" "What is the role of congress?" "Define migrant, immigrant and refugee."
I'd like to see this approach.
Any question that would let Trump condemn himself in his own words or make him look bad in the eyes of of large parts of his base.
I would ask VP Harris, who speaks positively about our military, and her chosen VP who served, what she would do to bring the issues of rape, sexual assault, and sex discrimination in our military, particularly against women, to the forefront of discussion once again. Just because nobody is talking about it does not mean it isn’t happening. And any trial or court martial or justice for the victim is handled within the good ole boy network of the military. Every sexual assault should be handled by a state or federal court of law, and justice meted out by a jury of our peers, not a jury made up of the very institution that has allowed these practices to continue for far too long.
As the former AG of California, I want to see this change occur while Harris is in office. Can we please, finally see justice done for women who serve? I would like to be proud of my military service without the ambivalence I feel now concerning my own experience. I deserve, as do all service women past and present, to hold their heads high and say, I’m proud to have served my country. Thanks for giving us a space to ask, Lyz.