Jul 5, 2023·edited Jul 5, 2023Pinned

First things first is that there's a screening of Friendly Faces coming up in Iowa City on July 9. The trailer and full details are on the show's website at http://friendlyfaces.show/ and those of us who live too far away will just have to patiently wait for its wide release (or campaign for screenings closer to where we live).

And from the newsletter today, this line "Small places with big skies push us close against one another, forcing us to grapple with identity not in the theoretical but in our community" gives me a new perspective on the similarity between where I'm from (medium-town-midwest) and where I live (suburban-new-england). Almost everything that is true about Iowa is also true about Connecticut (though the proportions vary), but we are packed together differently here. Our small towns are not far from big cities. Nothing here is really "remote" which makes it easier to build community with people of like mind, but also easier to avoid interacting with people based on real or perceived differences. I will have to keep thinking on this.

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Did you make the premiere?

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Sadly no. I live in CT but I ran across Iowa with Keaton and his show looks really great!

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This newsletter was how I found out about the show Somebody Somewhere, and OF COURSE it's my favorite show now (and I'm not a TV watcher!)!!! I hope Friendly Faces will be available for viewing where I am soon, because it sounds like a must-see series as well!

I've lived in the Midwest my entire life, and even though I live in a red state there are many things I love about it--and many people, too.

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In one of the many moves during my childhood, we went to the town in the middle of the country where my dad grew up. I remember hearing him comment about the kids who rode his school bus (as teachers, they also shared school-bus-driving duties) and how the kids of the bullies he went to school with were still teasing the kids of the bullied kids. And I spent one of the years there in a school full of those bullies, who made my life a living hell (in a church school, no less). I could never reconcile how two of the people I loved most in the world -- my father and his mother, my grandmother -- could come from such a place. And I see Somebody Somewhere trying to get me to that reconciliation.

I've been back to that place several times over the years. Both my parents and grandparents are buried there. I've been to family reunions -- I've even taken my kids to one. But the bad was so bad I could never live there again. So, I indulge in watching Sam poke around and discover the love and human decency that can exist in those "small places with big skies."

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Oh, and? The T-shirts she wears ... they're like little Easter eggs to watch for in the show.

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by lyz

I'm a big fan on Somebody Somewhere! The care taken to not portray people as one-dimensional and seeing the Midwest as more true to what I have experienced was wonderful - and unusual.

Will keep an eye out for Friendly Faces.

And a big yes to your line, " Small places with big skies push us close against one another, forcing us to grapple with identity not in the theoretical but in our community."

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"Somebody Somewhere" is my current joyful, heartwarming show (To counter "Station Eleven" and "Silo") and it really is so charming! Also, It needs must be said that Murray Hills character's full name is Doctor Professor Fred Rococo and he is the emotionally aware masculinity we all deserve. The scene when Sam's dad confides in him! *screaming* And how he is always clear that people call him by his full title and name. *chef's kiss* I adore Fred Rococo and his purple track suits.

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Fred Rococo is truly the best of us!

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Jul 5, 2023Liked by lyz

Thanks Lyz. Your words are useful in helping me understand my commitment to stay in a red area of a red state despite all the bullshit. I think part of it IS that this is my community too and (like it or not) these are my neighbors, and I'm theirs. Also, your last paragraph was spot on (and I'd guess that the caterer who tried to sleep with your realtor's wife was not a hypothetical).

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It's more based on the HBO show. Anyone is welcome to try and sleep with my ex husband I don't care

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I am convinced - and will watch the show. Enjoyable read - thank you.

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After hearing so many people praise Somebody Somewhere, we binged watched both seasons about a week ago -- such wonderful television! We are looking forward to season 3!!

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Look forward to seeing this...

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Perfect description of Cedar Rapids, big enough to be a city, but somehow everyone kinda knows everyone to some degree. I go back and forth between liking and hating that.

Also nice to have met you Lyz at the screening! I’m super happy friendly faces made the newsletter. It’s something for CR/Iowa to be proud of. There’s always been so much talent in the area, but I could never quite figure out why everything just dies here. It’s amazing Keaton and everyone pulled it off, and I hope it’s a sign of change that arts beyond high school and bar bands will be better supported.

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Hey Lyz... this landed in my email box today here in KC. Thought you might like it considering the timeliness and setting of "Somebody, Somewhere."


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