The below poem was written by Kaitlin Shetler in response to that piece of moist cheese sporting a rug on his face:

there is nothing more fulfilling

than being a wife and a mother

than being a homemaker and lover

than being a servant

and doll

and there is nothing more fulfilling

than following your heart

than carving out your brain

then pretending you’re not smart

because women have fallen

for the worst lie of all

they’ve fallen

and fallen

into feminism’s thrall

they believe they exist

apart from a man

that their worth is still something

outside of god’s plan

but we know that’s not true

(for how could it be)

she can’t live a life

without submitting to me

and here’s the right way

the biblical truth

from mary to esther

from sarah to ruth

women who work

or think

or create

women who live

without finding a mate

well they are a poison

it has to be said

women like that?

they’re better off dead

so happy graduation

the diploma is yours

get married soon,

you jezebel whores

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Woah. That was amazing!

Too bad Buttface probably can’t read. And, if he can, he wouldn’t be smart enough to understand what that awesome poem is trying to tell him.

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that was incredible, thank you for sharing!

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thanks for sharing this. alas, so true.

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Has this been published somewhere that I can link to it directly on Facebook?

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Search “Kaitlin Shetler Poetry”. You’ll find the page.

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My hope for that sentient fascist haircut is that every woman service provider he encounters from now until his death looks at him and decides, right in that very moment, that she must immediately leave because this job is full of false promises and she must enact her highest calling, being a homemaker. I want this to happen at medical appointments, restaurants, coffee bars, dentists' office, airlines, call centers, the bank, the checkout line, all the places. Those women just...leave. I am happy to start this boycott.

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As the mother of two sons, I do think the radicalization of white men is the scariest thing I have to deal with in my parenting.

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There are a lot of challenges with daughters too obviously, but it nice that statistically speaking they probably will never commit a famous atrocity

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I have two sons who identify as part of the LGBT spectrum even though they’ve only actually dated women. This comforts me as it makes it less likely that they’ll be sucked into the right wing radical vortex.

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I've been looking for these words all week: "a man who looks like an LA megachurch pastor on the verge of getting #MeTooed." So thank you for the perfect description. Welcome home!

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May 17·edited May 17Author

I mean it's giving creepy Youth Pastor. (And I come home on Sunday! I miss you!)

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Bro has been spotted hanging with Josh Hawley. There had to be at least 4lbs of hair gel between the two of them.

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OMG, I just snorted - and it's true!

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I can't upload pictures here, but there's a meme going around of the two of them with the caption "don't they just look like every gay couple in Seattle?" and it's so true! I sent it to some Seattle friends and they just lost it.

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He looks like a cult leader in the making.

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May 17Author

The problem is cult leaders have charisma. So, unfortunately, for me, it's just giving wet pastor vibes.

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Good point!

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May 17Liked by lyz

Harrison Butker is one of the top three reasons I prefer bears.

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At least a bear won't try to preach down at you.

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May 17·edited May 17

My young adult sons were appalled by the disgusting Harrison Butker speech, so I guess I am doing ok as a mom. We left the Catholic church entirely as a family around 2017 for so many reasons and especially because we were seeing a rise in Catholics espousing this absolute crap. And really the best part about the whole damn thing was that I found out about it when my son's girlfriend sent me a TikTok video destroying him. She is an incredible young woman who arrived at college from a very small town, having grown up in a fundamentalist family. Seeing her growth as a independent person and a woman, learning about her own strength, has been a true joy.

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And what's ABSOLUTELY WILD is that the entire Catholic faith is founded on the leader loving and promoting prostitutes, the poor and unmarried people. You're telling me Jesus Christ, whose two closest companions were women, didn't want women involved at all in life? Wow, incredible news.

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I agree completely. As a liberal Catholic (pronounced Episcopalian), I have so many problems with his theology. Jesus only gave two commandments, and neither involved Covid lockdowns or being a homemaker or hating the people He made a point of associating with.

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My favorite verse to quote back to those people "what, did the word of god originate with you?"

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Even the nuns who sponsor the college called him out: https://www.mountosb.org/

“One of our concerns was the assertion that being a homemaker is the highest calling for a woman. We sisters have dedicated our lives to God and God’s people, including the many women whom we have taught and influenced during the past 160 years. These women have made a tremendous difference in the world in their roles as wives and mothers and through their God-given gifts in leadership, scholarship, and their careers.”

Spoken by women who have followed a path of higher calling that did NOT include motherhood! lol!

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by lyz

I am also a medical physicist and I will just say on behalf of my profession that we're happy so many people are googling what a medical physicist is even if it's because of this dingus.

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Are medical physicists the people who do things like determine whether I can have a breast MRI with a titanium disc in my neck? Because either way, I bow down to you!

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Haha we're involved, yes! :)

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I heard the audience including parents, professors and new grads at that commencement speech gave the fascist haircut a standing ovation. If that’s true, then they are the turd of the week. Because it’s one thing to be a random asshat with a microphone, it’s another to be a large audience embracing him on the spot. If it’s true, it’s also terrifying because we need a society that pushes back against asshats on the spot.

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I think the kicker is mad mama didn’t spend all her time with him. Most men with working moms appreciate what their moms did for them. My son is certainly happy that my job helped to keep him out of college debt. My son, while not earning 4 million a year kicking a ball, also appreciates and respects women and their endeavors (he’s especially fond of gaming streamers, artists, and women who recommend good sci fi novels).

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Trying to kick a ball.

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May 17·edited May 17Liked by lyz

What a delight to get two and a half dinguses this week plus the longest URL slug in Dingus of the Week history. I try not to do predictions, but I have a feeling that Mr. Butker will go deep into the Dingus Madness tournament poll next year.

Also if you need to get around the Temu ban, I think you could easily sub in Wish dot com, Great Value brand, SkyMall, Sharper Image, or late-night informercial.

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May 17Author

Once I used Kirkland brand and the comments were ferocious. People love Kirkland ❤️

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Kirkland is AWESOME.

Late night informercial is the obvious choice. Also Family Dollar Store.

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As they say on the Crooked channel, What A Week! I want to send a personal thank you to the Benedictine Nuns who denounced this waste of space of a man. I actually @ed Tony Dukoupil from CBS Mornings for defending ButtFace.

And I want to know why this Alito flag nonsense wasn't publicized when it happened. WTF is up with that?

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Another Crooked Media fan! Love them!

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A lot of women who start out on the traditional wife/mother route are waylaid by death, divorce, and disability. As a kicker, Harrison might avoid disability from CTE that plagues so many former NFL players. Maybe. But there's also the estimated 60% to 80% divorce rate players face, with most getting divorced early in their retirement. So, you know, it could be fun to see how this plays out.

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I’m waiting for the Kansas City Chiefs to do damage control by posting videos of Travis Kelce doing Riverdance on Butker’s crotch.

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One can only hope…

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Wow, Lyz, you had me laughing out loud the entire time I read this. By the end, I was wiping away tears of laughter. I guess there are so many dingii out there that you sometimes gotta write about three of them in one go.

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Only three?

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May 17Author

That’s the number of dingii I called out in the newsletter. I’m sure there are more but I am just one human

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Dingii reproduce like mosquitos or houseflies and you are only one bat. We must all do our part to control the dingii population. (I tried to work in a ‘spay and neuter’ joke but that doesn’t work since dingii are insects.)

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Understood. Calling out all the fingió (love the word) is far more than one person can reasonably handle. Thank you for what you do.

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May 17Author

I do a great job no one is gonna read a newsletter 5k words long!

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Dingii- thanks or no thanks to autocorrect

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I read that Alito said there was a sign on a neighbor's lawn that said "F Trump" and that was what drove his wife over the edge. But let's take a moment here: you are married to a man who has been a Supreme Court justice for almost 20 years, and a judge since 1990, so presumably you know that he's not supposed to engage in political speech. (Alito has ignored this rule, though). It is clear that these people believe they are not constrained by any rules or norms. They owe the public nothing.

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May 17Liked by lyz

Hahaha…took me literally about a minute after reading about Harrison Butker beginning of the week before thinking…no ifs, ands, buts…THIS will be this week’s Dingus! Spot on.

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And being called out on SNL's Weekend Update (fingers crossed)

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May 17Liked by lyz

I’m SO glad I’m a subscriber!

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