I love how the Ohio Republicans decided to put it on the ballot in August to depress turnout, only to complain they lost because of the timing.

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You got to love the sheer dingusry of it all

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Ohio Republicans are a mess. Earlier this year they mandated that voters have an Ohio photo ID to vote, limited the number of polling locations on election day, and here in Franklin County (which includes Columbus, where I live), there is now only one polling location for early voting. AND YET, the voters turned out to defeat this trash. I was at the early polling location on Saturday before the election, and there was a line out the door and around the building of people waiting to vote, like a presidential election. It brought a tear to my eye

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Not the dingus this week is the rest of Ohio

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

The very nice old lady running the election office in my v red rural Ohio county made sure that I knew about the photo ID rule in an exasperated tone when I voted a few weeks ago because she is doing the lords work.

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Which lord?

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I'm so sorry about the David Huston trial result. It's just so vile.

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I'm not qualified to judge either the Minnesota or the Iowa state fairs. I just want to give Oregon a mention because we have a sky chair that carries people from one end of the fair to the other, which was very helpful when I was using a walker a couple of years back. They did have to post rules about not throwing things at the people below because dingii are also living out west.

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Yes! This is the comment I wanted! Stand up for your state fairs! Also Iowa also has these and the same signs about throwing things on people. It's kind of heartwarming that people suck all across America

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we are consistent.

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I am unqualified to weight in on this state fair rivalry because I live in Florida and we don't have One State Fair and the fairs we do have happen in February because it's too hot the rest of the year. Georgia, land of my birth, has a big state fair in October that's pretty cool though.

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I genuinely feel that the only way we’re going to fix this dumpster fire of a planet is to finally get all the women/LGBTQIA’/POC on the same damn side and topple the mediocre white man regime.

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I mean.....it's already happening??? Abortion is a popular issue and everytime it's on the ballot it wins. Also POC and LGBTQ voters do vote together on this, it's white women who don't. So the call is usually coming from inside the house here.

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Not fast enough though. Trump could still win. Which is INSANE.

Yes white women are a big problem (my husbands friends - mostly conservative Catholics - are very surprised to discover we don’t share views).

But there are still a lot of men (gay/POC) who are voting Republican. Do they not understand that they will be come for in the end...?

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023Author

The frustration is understandable but it it's a little weird to be focusing on a small percentage of voters who aren't really the problem, the people you are citing are like less than 10 percent of the electorate...while ignoring the LARGER numbers who are the problem. Get out the vote efforts are key though

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No - you’re misunderstanding my point, if everyone who stands to lose from the GOP dreamworld actually got together as a block and did something - including voting - the white mans world would be overturned. I’m not talking about any one minority, because all the minorities put together are a majority, but you need everyone on the same page.

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I've written about this pretty extensively. But statistically LGBTQ people and POC vote consistently blue with only minor statistical blips. So do young people. This is not the voting demographic that is the problem.

The problem is older white men and white women. And you could argue that they actually benefit from patriarchy, I know they would.

But also, based on the past several elections, abortion is very popular and people are turning out to vote in favor of it in very red areas. See: Ohio, Kansas, etc.

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“When they vote”

People are slow to figure out that they have to DO something in order to change things.

I am fully aware that the older generation are the problem. I am living in the EU with F*** all rights thanks to 80yr olds voting to leave it in the UK.

They screwed the future of 3/4 of the population and half of them are dead 6 years later.

(Have spent ~400€ so far on my French citizenship application that I didn’t really need before!)

38% is being touted as a huge turn out. It is honestly at this point where I can understand why some countries make voting a legal obligation.

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I think we also need more men to divest from the patriarchy. Mediocre white men are also harmed by it and I think it is important work to help them realize that (and I do not mean that it is the work of women and other marginalized people to do). They also benefit from it and falsely believe that the upside of their place in the system outweighs any downsides.

The status quo dumpster fire isn't persisting due to a failure of more marginalized groups who are mostly aligned already. The status quo dumpster fire is persisting because of the highly functional system of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

you are so right. i'm thankful for men like you and for my husband of over 50 years. you guys give me hope!

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One hundred percent. I am taking all suggestions for how to broach this IRL. There have been multiple men who suggested that my wife’s maternity leave is a “vacation” yet I’ve never caught that comment for my paternity leave. It’s like… I want to talk to them about it yet I don’t want them to assume it’s coming from her

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I don't really have suggestions, just want to say that I know it's tough. In the moment, a response can be as simple as saying "that's not cool" or even just not laughing at something that was "meant to be funny." As for these other men assuming that your pushback is coming from your wife, unfortunately you can't control their assumptions. If they were to actually respond with some form of "Did your wife put you up to this?" you could explain that you know how much work it is and that it's not a vacation.

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Ok ISU and U of I grad here- a while back however, when Iowa was purple and much more open. Think very early days of RAGBRAI- the Iowa State fair was an essential experience. I had soooo many friends who were 4H kids who worked as counselors during the fair and loved it!! Best fair ever. I do confess I didn’t eat much there- it really is death on a stick! I would go again in a heartbeat. Keep on writing Lyz.

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ISU AND U of I grad???? Who do you cheer for??

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Gotta love any opportunity to dunk on the Cleveland Browns. Well done, m'am.

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Thank you I was VERY PROUD of that joke

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I'm sorry, more seriously, about the trial. What absolute fuckery.

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When Ann "Repeal the 19th Amendment" Coulter is telling the Ohio GOP that abortion bans are a losing issue...


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The worst person in the world makes a good point.....

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

Am I missing a bunch of shade coming from the Iowa direction in this state fair rivalry? Honest question, I may be: I haven't been to either fair in decades. But I'm getting the "MN loves to assert dominance over IA, and IA literally never thinks of MN at all" vibe from this whole thing every time it comes up. Not saying MN doesn't have some objectively better things going for it, especially these days!

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No, I think that's basically the energy.

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Having never attended either State Fair, my question is: which one has more shade? B/C the heat doesn't seem to be letting up and I fear for Butter Caitlin.

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Aug 11, 2023·edited Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

I didn't vote in the poll, but I really hope that Minnesota's is better because I'm going to be there in two weeks! I (US East Coast born and raised, though now living in Canada) and my partner (from the wilds of Northern Ontario) are doing a road trip around Lake Superior. Neither of us have ever been to a state fair (although I did work at the Ex, a similar event, one summer in Toronto) or to Minnesota! I was disappointed to find out that Minnesota's state fair has no butter cow, though.

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They have multiple butter sculptors of Princess Kay of the Milky Way and all the other runner up princesses. It is amazing -- and you can usually even see them sculpting the butter in the Dairy Barn. Get a malt -- so tasty!

I am a MN transplant from Wisconsin with a pit stop in Baltimore. The MN State Fair is so amazing. Great food, fun activities, and lots of space to walk around. The Maryland State Fair reminded me of the Sheboygan County Fair (which is pretty amazing). The Midwest does State fairs right!

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It has plenty of butter attractions though! You won't be disappointed

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My husband & I made the trip over the north shore of Superior (driving from my parents' home in Manitoba back to our home near Toronto) a few summers back. (We'd made the drive from Toronto to a family reunion in Iowa -- Davenport -- and then north through Minnesota, which is where my mom is from.) It's a LONG drive, and pretty sparsely populated, but the scenery is gorgeous. We stayed one night in Thunder Bay and another night in Sault Ste. Marie. Enjoy!

P.S. Haven't been to the Iowa State Fair, but I did go to the Minnesota State Fair back in the late 1970s, when I was a teenager. I mostly remember the freshly made mini-doughnuts. Yum!

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Haha, my partner is from the sparsely populated boonies north of SSM. His home region is literally called "Algoma - Unorganized Part". He's made the trip across Canada a few times and claims the stretch from Thunder Bay to his home region is the prettiest part, so...we'll see (while probably still digesting all that fair food!)

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I've never been to either state fair, but I voted for Iowa in the poll because I feel like my home state deserves at least this small win. However as of right now it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

Also, the trial outcome is dismaying and deeply unfair. I hate that the verdict will embolden others to do more harm and I hate that it makes a lot of people feel less safe. I don't have anything helpful to say about it except that it sucks. The victims deserve better, the witnesses deserve better, and the protestors (past, present, and future) deserve better.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

so disappointing but, sadly, not surprising. grrr.

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Is it too much to ask that vengeance be quick, and I get to watch?

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Sad but not shocked about the trial. If you can't get a conviction for hitting protestors with the county attorney as a witness, there's not much hope.

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This is still my favorite description of that whole Ohio affair, if anyone needs an auditory summation with a TN accent


Also, Black twitter and the Alabama brawl was so fresh I could not take it. If you don't follow Joy Reid on IG (or wherever), have you even started living?? https://www.instagram.com/p/CvwB6R5Le-3/

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

omg, that joy reid insta was so good!

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She is da bomb diggity

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Tennessee Holler was great. Thanks for posting it.

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Aug 11, 2023Liked by lyz

I've never been to a state fair but I am very nostalgic about small-town fairs where there's a parade and the possibility of some funnel cake. Though over the years in my small town, the rides got smaller and less well-kept, and I think eventually the beer tent became the sole attraction. They changed the name to some jingoistic thing after I left, too.

Please tell me that Trek Fest in Riverside still has the pedal-powered, little kid tractor pull, though.

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