Corn sweat captain and all-around good human here to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! I am so proud to be part of the MYAM community and I am so grateful to all of you for generously supporting our team and our causes this year and last. Whether you donated, bought supplies off the team wishlist, or cheered us on from afar, we feel the love and it is going to help carry us up and down the hills of Iowa.

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I love that you are doing this, Lyz and I would love to do it with you! This sounds amazing! I have been running since high school and I'm now 61 and I've pretty much hated every minute of it 😅🙄 I think I might have fun doing something like this relay race, though.

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I went to buy a couple things on the Amazon list, but I never found an option to send them to you all instead of me. HALP us help you?

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Yes please share the address to send your Amazon wishlist items to. Best of luck on your journey!

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We are working on fixing this now!! SO SORRY!

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It’s fixed now!! Pick Keaton Fuller which is the gift registry address!

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Molly I have to skip it again this year so that I can hold onto a reason to return for a future relay.

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That’s an excuse I’ll accept, but I refuse to cede any ground on what is or isn’t gut friendly to the rest of the lactose intolerant dinguses who were slamming breakfast pizzas!!!

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Molly. Sushi - good. GAS STATION sushi, though? Ermmmm...

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I feel like there's a through line between gas station sushi and Lyz's comments about everyone pooping in cornfields.

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She’s correct

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Happy to support your efforts to a worthwhile cause.

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Thank you David!

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Donation complete! Let's Go Girls! Iowa needs access!

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Danielle, thank you so much!

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Asha!! Thank you!

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I bought some items from your Amazon wishlist. Keaton should get them on Sunday, 5/26. Thanks so much for doing this, Lyz and crew!

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Thank you so much Terri!

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Grrr - I am SO jealous. And yes, do NOT take your running days for granted. As you wrote, "My body could fall and I could fail. It’s terrifying, but it also makes these moments running with my friends all the more beautiful and vibrant." I used to be an Ironman triathlete. Two foot surgeries later and late-stage perimenopause, and yeah, I'm jealous. But this isn't about me. ;) Go out there and kick some corn-booty and raise some much needed funds for women's health care!!!

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Oh no the FOMO is setting innnnn. Better make some donations to ease the pain.

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Heads up! Amazon said I couldn't send you the sunscreen because it couldn't be delivered to a registry address.

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If only Relay Iowa ran North to South so we could meet you at the border for a hug, a high five, and to let you run a couple miles for us.

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We will miss you Gabs!!!

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I just donated to Iowa Trans Mutual Aid (clicked on your link at the bottom of the newsletter) but did not see a spot to indicate it was under your group. Hopefully it gets assigned to you, best of luck, and keep fighting the good fight. :-)

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Thank you Stefani! ITMAF set up that link specifically for us to share so that donations from folks supporting our run are all grouped together in their system, but I know that the landing page asks you to make a note if you are donating by check. Thank you again and rest assured that your donation counts. <3

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Fantastic! Thanks for clarifying. Have a great run!

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Way to go! Reader in CA here and I’m so happy to be able to contribute to this important cause. Hope you and your team have a fabulous experience!

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Thank you Carol -- it's so great to have support all the way from CA!

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I donated! Thanks for your activism, you sweaty corn people!

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Thank you DBG! We are as corny as we are sweaty.

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I checked the Amazon list and there aren’t any items there. Did everything yall needed get bought for ya or is there a prob with the list showing?

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Everything on our list was purchased on the first day it was posted! Thank you for checking and sorry for the slow reply.

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