I voted for Obama because I didn’t want Bush Clinton Bush Clinton presidencies. Really : Only 2 families in the family could govern? The political parties anointment machine is the problem, MAGA just took over their party first.

The Democratic Party is not safe either. Black women are fed up and we’re watching. SCOTUS attacked our voting rights long before they went after our/your reproductive rights. The only time I have ever seen Democrats put up a real fight were the Impeachment Hearings. If they fought like that for voting rights, reproductive rights etc - they might be able to get those White Rural Voters they salivate over.

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It seems like we just don't have the imagination to think of anything new.

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My sociopolitical theory continues to be that most people are too focused on making a living and their daily lives to think about the social/structural issues of capitalism. Capitalism in action is always a series of spiraling repetitions, boom and bust, happening so quickly that by the time you feel nostalgic for the last cycle, you're on to the next + 1. It's no wonder we can't learn from history.

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The Feudalist Society and their ilk are intent *on* keeping us marching toward serfdom, where we're too busy trying to survive to interfere with the lord's political machinations.

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I misread that quoted first sentence as saying "with more money and nicer butts."

Well, that's probably true too.

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Let's see, JLo hawks a terrible cocktail, Delola Spritz, even though she herself doesn't drink alcohol (her commercials where she takes obviously pretend sips are hilarious), and Affleck is a flack for crypto. They're both kinda terrible humans, but they are famous so we're supposed to care how they are doing as a couple? I mean, I kind of get how invested some people are in celebrities...it can be aspirational, sort of, or maybe just escapist. But also, yikes. Put down the tabloid, step away from the computer, go out and touch grass...

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