Jul 30Edited

“In a state that loves paying lip service to freedom, the only people truly free are cisgender, heterosexual, financially comfortable men.” No kidding. Thank you for writing about this, Lyz. I am deeply sorry that you and other people in Iowa are being forced to live through this nightmare. I know it must be nigh overwhelming. Thank you for all the service you are doing for your community, your children, and yourself.

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Just setup a recurring monthly donation to IAAF, and I'd encourage others to do the same. I have uterine CANCER, and I still couldn't get doctors to give me a hysterectomy for it (or, worse, to try to get insurance to pay for it). It's really absurd. I'm a 40-something lesbian and I'm not having kids. It needs to be ok for me (or anyone for any reason) to make that decision. I hate that we're living through this particular hell, but damn, it sure feels validating to read your newsletter and feel less alone out here.

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Yeah the reason I stopped pushing for one was the second doctor told me insurance simply wouldn't pay for it, even if it was a good solution. Ugh. THANK YOU for your donation. It's nice to know you are here and you love this place and want to fight it along side me.

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It shows the only long term solution is universal healthcare where the outcomes are determined by medical need without regard to politics or insurance. It works by and large in Europe (with several different versions of universal healthcare to choose from), and there is no reason why it shouldn't be able to work in the USA (other than the healthcare lobby and a certain political party). Desperately sorry for this development, and the Democrats have to win nationally to overturn all abortion restrictions nationwide.

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Wow. Just insane. It’s been such an eye-opening education for me to read this newsletter and comments like yours. The stuff us Christian-bred white men never were told about. I’m so sorry for the shit you’ve had to endure from a system built to privilege men like me and to silence you.

FWIW I don’t believe we are ever truly going to “turn the clock back” permanently. When my generation dies out the world will be a more diverse and better place. And it may be that the death throes of the patriarchy may take many generations to complete, but it will die.

In any case, thanks for sharing and again, I’m sorry for the frustration and pain you’ve felt.

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this is so crazy that i don't even know what to say about it. aargh.

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Ditto recurring monthly donation. Just set it up.

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Pretty much search and replace Iowa with Missouri, and you have my home state. Except our ban is total and older. Dammit.

Meanwhile, my trans son would like his tubes tied, and doctors keep telling him the standard of care in his case is a hysterectomy, which is way more invasive and difficult to recover from. And if his ovaries are removed, he will then be testosterone-dependent in a country that could very well ban trans care for everyone, even adults. WTAF. The bodily autonomy fight is everyone's.

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Donated! thank you for reminding us on all that needs to be done, keep sharing ideas on where to donate and how we can help!

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Shared on my Everything Is Fine group although clearly everything is not fine. Will set up a donation.

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I'm in IL otherwise this lawyer would happily join your board. I still would but it would be less practical at least if you met in person. You would be able to say you had a former ACLU of IA ED.

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please ask if you could zoom, for the majority of their meetings? Maybe you could make the "pilgrimage" drive twice a year, or something doable for you? or be the on call advisor? this issue will only get more complicated, before it gets better. In this time of technology, what's the need for you to physically drive to every, or even most, meetings? just my opinion - I'm not on the board Liz is on & writes of, but have been on a number of boards over the years.... physical attendance is over-rated, imho, so long as said board member is engaged & active ...

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I'm definitely happy to speak to Lyz about it if she would like.

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We do need board members to live in the state. BUT THANK YOU!!!

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I anticipated that but did want to put it out there. Thanks for all that you and the organization are doing.

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Donated and will push the message. Thank you for lighting the fire -- and kicking the crud out of the hypocrites.

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" cisgender, heterosexual, financially comfortable men"

You forgot "White"

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Jul 30
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Can you share a source for this? Would love to learn more. Speaking of typos, I have learned to live with mine. It’s so very hard to participate in a discussion without making typos. I don’t believe the choices that Lyz makes as a writer qualify as typos, however. There is a difference, and it’s a big one.

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I removed this comment because it was really confusing and while I understand the intent was humor, it actually didn't come across that way, and I wanted to prevent any misinformation.

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no, lyz, i am NOT sick of hearing you write about this. i'm just discouraged that we have to keep fighting the same fights over and over and over. it's so important and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work that you are doing. you are awesome!!!

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Donated today. This angry childless cat lady is happy to fund abortions.

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“I asked a doctor for a hysterectomy and was told that I needed to consider the wants of a “future” partner.”

This makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Thanks for the excellent summary. I will be donating to the Iowa fund. As an aside, I am a U of I College of Medicine graduate ( 1984-a long time ago) and I loved my time in Iowa. I am sickened to see how it has devolved to such a hateful and regressive state. The people I knew during my time there were lovely and progressive.

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Idaho is not any better. Nice scenery! We are fighting the good fight here

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"If every time men had sex, they risked death, physical disability, a life altering interruption in their education or career, and the sudden lifelong responsibility for another human being, I think they'd expect a choice in the matter." - Cher


“If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.” - Florynce Kennedy

Truth x 2

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I don't know if you'll see this, but I went to a gynecologist in 2022(at age 42) after Dobbs and asked to be sterilized. The new procedure is removal of fallopian tubes. Turns out, women over 35 frequently get cysts on their tubes too. And guess what? I had one the size of a ping pong ball. There is no pain until it bursts.

I added on uterine ablation to take care of my period for up to 10 yrs.

I am in Houston, and the doctor was a man that I'd never been to. He didn't hesitate/blink and scheduled me the same day I had my initial consultation. He didn't require any permission from my spouse. And I have no children. The reason I gave was my husband has a vasectomy but I have zero interest in being forced to carry the child of a rape.

On surgery day, they tried to get me to take a pregnancy test as a typical precaution. I explained there was no way I could be pregnant and argued. I was under no eat/drink after midnight and had nothing for the pregnancy test because I need right before arrival. The wrote the waiver. I even told one of the nurses, if I am pregnant, it's nothing holy so get it out anyways.

I'd never been to a man before. He hanged my opinion. He was a great surgeon.

However, it isn't cheap. I used insurance through my employer. It's ridiculous how expensive something like that is.

But fallopian tube removal is recommended for all women over age 35 if you plan to not have kids. They recommended in January 2023 that any abdominal surgical procedure have it added on to take advantage of the laparoscopy or adjacent access as it is the biggest thing a woman can do to reduce risk of ovarian cancer. It doesn't make sense to me, but the science backs that up.

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This is so long I think most won't expand. Insurance WILL COVER REMOVAL OF TUBES because it reduces your risk of ovarian cancer and is now standard recommendation from GYN.

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If that was the solution for my medical situation I would have pursued it. But alas, it's not. But I'm glad you were able to find the care you needed.

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Thanks for sharing these resources.

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