It’s been a tough 24 hrs, and folks, it can get worse. But hope springs eternal as long as brave voices continue to speak (and write) truth.

Thank you Lyz!

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Jun 28Author

Your username is a whole vibe though

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This makes me so furious. In the 1950s, my grandmother had two young daughters and an ectopic pregnancy--w/ a heartbeat. She hemorrhaged for three days at a hospital in Waterloo, while my grandfather walked the streets around the hospital, begging for blood donations to keep her alive. She survived but was unable to have more children. Abortion bans prevent life.

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To be clear -- she really wanted a big family and would have had more kids if she could have.

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Iowa has also seen a loss of 80% of family farms. MAGA brags how all farmers are MAGA, well the GOP caused 3 corporations to completely control agriculture in Iowa because these same farmers vote for the God and Guns crap. They get God and keep their guns but watch the family farm get foreclosed and sold to Tyson. Them and their kids and work there instead for poverty wages.

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I am in a state of shock and disbelief. My granddaughters have fewer rights to their bodies than I did.

We MUST fight this injustice. Old (and young) white men have no idea what they have done to their own female offspring, and to all premenopausal females.

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Thank you for everything you write and everything you do, Lyz. I live in CA, but no one is safe these days. Donated to IAAF.

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Alabama, Missouri, Ohio, Iowa, Texas….falling down like toy soldiers. Divided we fall. Women will have to put this country back together again. Cut out these GOP OLD WHITE MEN, suture it and sew it back up.

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Worst part is 25 states or so you can’t put abortion on the ballot so “states’ rights” is a lie. Not to mention all the lies about abortion itself. Abortion is healthcare. If “stand your ground” is a law, why aren’t women allowed to keep a fetus from killing them? Double standards. Healthcare for women will end over this and I will not forgive. Thanks Lyz.

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ROEvember needs to come this election day.

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It looks like abortion bans aren’t great for infants either, according to the recent increase in infant mortality in Texas.

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Then fucking protest! Every pro choice female in the state of Iowa should literally go on strike and show up at the Capital. This is SO fucked up. You’re right, we need to SHOW UP! Hell, I went from Oregon to DC in 1989? to march, if y’all do it, I’ll come to Iowa.

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This,"less of a right to privacy than a handgun owner, or a bag of trash sitting on a curb, which can’t be searched without a warrant. It’s exhausting to be relegated to the role of second-class citizen watching politicians bow their heads in prayer for unborn children; meanwhile, mothers who are very much alive are having their rights taken away." pretty much says all we need to hear to be motivated! Thanks Lyz

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Of course we can't give up. Put August 24th on your calendar. There will be a rally at Vander Veer Park in Davenport. We'll have a great lineup of Democratic women running for office, including Christina Bohannan. Be there, but if you can't, find a way to support these women. Time or money!! (Sponsored by Q-C NOW and AAUW.)

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Feeling sick as an Iowan with a grown daughter. Argh!

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right there with you.

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I'm so sorry Iowans. Come up here to your northern neighbors when you need maternity care. We will take care of you. We are on your side.

A Minnesotan

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This hinges on anti-science "fetal heartbeat" nonsense. There is not heart at that age. And the GOP say they are representing the majority when polls clearly say they are not. If we can't leverage the truth then what the fuck are we doing.

Every move they make is toward ruling over a crushed and pacified hell of their own making rather than the just work of governance. Resist the boot.

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Here is today’s IA Supreme Court decision. Christensen, Mansfield, and Waterman dissented. I felt a lot better after reading the dissents written by Christensen and Mansfield and signed by all three. Christensen’s is a real burn. (Starts about p 25ish.)


Also, per Facebook (FWIW), The Emma Goldman Clinic and Planned Parenthood clinics have committed to staying open for abortions they can legally provide as well as other services they offer. IAAF is operating and surrounding states will be much busier but available. Also, we’re mad as hell; and we vote. Slivers of silver lining in our increasingly omnipresent dark clouds.

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Biden will win because of the anti abortion shit.

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