Looks great! What a cool stencil design!

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Lyz, fantastic and well done. Maybe now offer a high-end level for subscribers where we kick in sufficient Yankee dollars (or the legal tender of MYaM-verse's choice) to get a remodeling consult...? And instead of a tote bag, we level up again in exchange for a personally curated bourbon flight for our home projects? Though a tote bag would be pretty fucking great.

p.s. -- I work in higher ed and we are told there is nothing more important than revenue streams. Zod help us all, this is where the heads of multi-credentialed people are at right now, no matter who the POTUS is.

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I have actually been noodling on perks for founding members. I might not be able to personally consult on all home redesign projects (and you might not want me to as I am very fussy and judgemental). But I do love the tote bag idea.

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The podcast 'Science, Sort Of' used to make Patreon subscribers customized fake dissertation titles which they developed on mic. The show mostly discussed research published in science journals, so this was very on brand and had zero landfill impact. I love a perk that is somehow personalized, silly and ephemeral.

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Thank you! I chose the name of my Substack because I got so fucking tired of the ‘it’s just a joke!’ Non-defense. If you’re constantly having to defend comments by saying ‘it’s just a joke,’ you’re not joking.

I am consumed with envy at your basement.

Whatever happens on Tuesday, we have to remember that we are bigger and better than our opponents. We have a voice and we have hands and we can make our lives better and destroy their works. We don’t have to be nice. If Trump wins, we can make him wish he’d never been born. We did it last time and we’ll do it again if we have to. If Harris wins, we start immediately working to defeat every Republican elected official in the rest of the country and give her a veto-proof majority in Congress in 2026.

Let’s go!

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Ok. Looks good. Quick question. In picture 2, what is in your right hand. BTW, I like the open joists look way more than a dropped ceiling. Nice work.

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It’s wine, Jeff

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What a week. Woke up to the orange menace threatening to shoot Liz Cheney this morning. I have to say, I keep thinking I'll be glad when it's over, but then I think about if the worst happens. It won't be over. And the truth is, these bastards have been letting their freak flags fly for a while now, and they won't be easily shut down if Harris wins. If anything we'll see an even worse backlash than when President Obama was elected. I need to prepare for that, too. Lets go girls. Vote these fuckers out.

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WHUT? How did I miss this? He needs to be institutionalized, not elected!

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I didn't see it either, which is wild because that should be headline news.

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not at the washington post!

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It just happened last night, I think. Terrible stuff.

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how is it even possible that this man is the republican candidate for president? incomprehensible.

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I keep saying the same thing. But--I was in shock that he was elected in 2016, and that was before so much more shit happened, too :'(

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yep. me, too.

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sadly, I agree completely with you.

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It won’t be over either way, but we can beat them even if the worst happens and he wins. He won’t have Congress, and he absolutely won’t have Congress after 2016. He won’t have half the states. He isn’t popular and he isn’t healthy and his sidekick Sofa King is REALLY unpopular. Our opposition will destroy him.

If Harris wins we have an easier path, obviously, but we will still have a ton of work to do. No more sitting out midterms. No more ignoring Red states. We fight EVERYWHERE from now on. The world is watching, folks. Don’t let them down!!

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We don't really have basements in Australia (although where I live, on the side of a mountain, it's common to have a sort of lower ground floor), so I have Basement Envy. Yours now looks really cool.

However - and you may hate me for this - I'm pretty sure that pattern would trigger a migraine if I saw it In Real Life 🥺. Easily fixed with a large carpet offcut.

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i admit that i had the same migraine thought.

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I am having trouble laughing at anything this morning because I keep thinking about what life will be if all these dingi become powerful because Trump wins. Will women have any rights? Will we have a country where only a few people have the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter? How many of us will be deported or jailed or sent to camps? Who will be allowed to go to school and what will be taught? I am afraid of the future.

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Love love love what you did with your basement! Great job and soooooo many dingi, so little time!

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OMG that stenciling work is amazing! Also: Jon Stewart, WTAF.

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Today I finally get to comment!

There’s a hole in my budget where my subscription to WAPO used to be. MYAM fits nicely. ❤️

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Thank you so much!!

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Yay! I also ditched my WaPo subscription, but it doesn’t run out til June. LATimes went a couple years ago. I wonder how long I will keep NYTimes given how infuriating their election coverage has been….

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I ditched them both, too. Their election coverage of Trump has always been bad. It was about damn time to drop both of them. They need new leadership before I would consider giving them another dime. I'm already a paying subscriber here, though. Haven't figured out what yet to spend that extra subscription money on yet.

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YAY!!! Good for you! xo

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Damn good trade there Ma'am!

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I hadn't seen the Jon Stewart comments until I followed the link you included. "He was just doing what he does"!!! How many evil people throughout history could that be said of? Is Hinchcliffe so one-dimensional that, no matter the venue, all he can do is spout racist/sexist/____ist garbage and call it comedy? [apparently, yes] Also, there's a huge difference between a roast (where the roastee has willingly agreed to be insulted) and spewing vicious insults at countries/races/genders.

All of which is to say, good choice this week. I nominate Jon Stewart for next week.

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Amazing renovation. I am truly impressed!!! And I appreciate the need to do one thing that is solid and finite when the world is falling apart and there is so much death and destruction.

May we all keep building in small and important ways

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Ok so I’m slow, but men take away our rights, they don’t get our privileges. Time, attention, labor, sex, and laughing at their fucking jokes. We’re done.

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Your basement looks great, Lyz! I love the stenciling and bar!

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That floor is amazing. Definitely be proud.

I cannot recall a politician being as enjoyed as Tim Walz. He's so comfortably dorky he crosses over to cool. Is he what a confident (not cocky) man looks like? Because we need more of that. I very much hope we get to see him attending international events and disarming his counterparts. Because of course he knows his impact. He knows when he teases his daughter about turkey being vegetarian exactly how that lands.

And yeah I was bummed when Jon Stewart got the giggles about what's his name roasting style "humor". But also, Jon doesn't have to be perfect. Jon isn't running for office or trying to take away his daughter's agency. We have all laughed at bad jokes. Even racist jokes when we didn't know better or weren't thinking or were drunk (the comedy clubs used to have a two drink minimum and sodas were $4.00 so adding rum for a dollar seemed like a better value).

But definitely be proud of that floor! I innately find basements scary, places to be trapped or are haunted. Yours has none of those vibes.

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amazing basement. well done, lyz!!!

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I ALWAYS like what you write.

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