Congratulations on the basement reno! 2025 is the year of all your kids' friends asking them, "can we hang out at your place? your mom is so much cooler than ours."

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You make me laugh. Thank you. Apt description of JD. And, I’m originally from Ohio so it isn’t ALL bad. Lol!

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Brilliant. Reading this article managed to not only make me laugh but also realize once again that we are royally screwed. Looking at JD Vance reminded me of a line from one of Brian Tracy's self-help books. He said men should not wear beards because it makes them look untrustworthy. I had always dismissed that idea. Until I saw Vance and realized he was right.

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I actually love beards and I don’t think this is Vance’s problem. And if Vance ends the beard trend I’ll make him dingus again!

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Good point. The beard doesn't make Vance seem untrustworthy. He makes the beard seem untrustworthy.

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Vance grew a beard because he has a weak face.

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Beard or no, this quote is sooooo true! “Vance and Musk are both businessmen obsessed with the birth rate and have faces that look like they were generated by Grok when asked to make a man so off-putting you’d cover your drink in his presence.”

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Right?!I am 100% serious that if either of them unzipped their human suit live, on camera, I would not blink.

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Serious question: is he still going to be VP? It seems like he just disappeared since the election, being replaced by Elon Musk. All so bizarre.

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I just made a 2025 resolution: watch Somebody, Somewhere again! Thanks for the clip! And I'll never look at a potato the same way again.

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And now I'm sitting here bawling on my birthday. Thanks, love. Truly.

If there's one big question at the heart of my work right now it is, "How do you love in a world like this?" Thank you for modeling how to do that, with humor and insight in equal measure. You are a gift.

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happy birthday, asha!!! ❤️ that song made me cry as well. we will stay strong, we will love, we will NOT give up.

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Happy birthday! May this coming year be your best one yet. 🩵

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Happy birthday Asha!!

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Happy birthday!!!! I like a good cry on my birthday :)

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Asha! Oh shit, it's your birthday! I hope you can take a walk in the woods, or a sledgehammer to something of your choice, or whatever your heart desires today. <3

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One of the best things that happened for me in 2024 was discovering Substack (yes I know; always late to the party) and Men Yell at Me. Your voice is priceless, Lyz, and I really need the sense of humor with which you deliver the most awful news and information. I’ve always believed that making people laugh opens them up to truth, no matter how hard, and helps them want to create change and “ make the world a better place” if they can. So, please, don’t stop now. It’s about to get really hairy-scary and we need you more than ever. Thanks for making a tough year for this WNC hillbilly, who just endured the worst flood since Noah, in a beautiful place which will not recover in my lifetime, (we had work for JD but he just showed his face and then, very quickly his ass—no difference, really) at least tolerable as we labor to help each other come back strong. Laughter is the best medicine, for a fact. Love, a happy-to-pay subscriber.

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what Mendy said.

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2024 was a year packed to the brim with dingusry and a case could be made for almost every one of the dinguses of the week to have been Dingus of the Year. JD Vance was still far and away the most deserving.

Happy 2025 to all who celebrate! I am still wading through the muck of 2024 it seems, but I am glad to have this newsletter for a cheerful distraction.

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Everyone needs a friend like Joel ❤️

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thanks for that song, lyz. it made me cry - in a good way! sending love and blessings your way on the year ahead. we need you and your voice!!!

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Thank you for highlighting shady Vance. I’m embarrassed to say I’m from Ohio, where my vote doesn’t count & the majority dingi voted to keep gerrymandering here. Your blog keeps me hopeful & many of the links you have provided have opened my eyes to many things I was not aware of.

I’ve become wiser because of you!

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$650,000 for abortions?!?! Let’s go!!!!!!

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My 12-year-old and I can not wait for Severance! I binged season 1 while wrapping all the gifts. She wandered into the room and was instantly hooked. JD Vance deserves some sort of lifetime dingus award.

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I downloaded Bumble right around Thanksgiving and deleted it after Christmas. Never paid for it, never saw who liked me back. It all seemed like too much of a pain. In any event, one of my dismissing qualifiers was describing themselves as “apolitical” which is the biggest of cop outs to me. Be conservative and for sure I’m going to move past because, obviously. But if you think “apolitical” is going to trick anyone into believing that you’re anything but a super privileged white guy, I guess you’ll find your trad wife soul mate sooner or later, but it won’t be me!!!

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You are amazing. Keep going. We are here with you for this messy, funny, important ride. (And that song/clip at the end? Perfect.)

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I did the “tear down this shitty drop ceiling” stuff while my husband was dealing with his final illness, as a way to cope. (Not very caring, as I flog myself later), and then had an enormous supply of lighting added, to cope with the rafters. Put down a new floor, and painted the walls. Put in a hot tub, for his pains.

All in vain. He died, and I was still there, with the damned basement.

Looking back 16 years later, I would change so much, but all I can do is change myself now. I am better, more caring, less likely to throw myself at draining tasks so I can sleep, and much more tolerant.

Thanks for writing this year. We need you.

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As the person who has been ill, and also the one who survived when a loved one died, I think you do what you need to in order to cope. Our energy went into a really awful inflatable hot tub that required so much upkeep we gave up. But it was heavenly when I needed it after chemo.

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Yup! I was happy to finally see that damned thing get rolled out of the basement and grateful that the buyer had the energy and strength to muscle it around without deflating it.

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