Sep 6Liked by lyz

I heard a lengthy piece on NPR this morning about the undecideds. And I was like, why? How? Are these people real?! I love that Jolene's social life is more exciting than mine. She deserves all the attention and pets from strangers!

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It became clear to me a long time ago that "the undecided voter" is a myth. There is no such animal.

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There are no real undecided voters, just liars and cowards who won’t admit who they’re supporting.

And you look really, really happy in that photo!

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I have recommendations! Not for dingii, but for things to help survive the epic stupidity of the media's obsession with the mythological but weirdly fucking everywhere (because in what world are mediocre White men not fucking everywhere and can I book a ticket there?) undecided voter:

1) The movie Wicked Little Letters (now on Netflix). I didn't think I could love anyone more than Olivia Coleman and then I witnessed Jessie Buckley. OMG. Please just lock me in a room with the two of them, a good whiskey and cheese platter, and let me die there.

2) Kaos (also on Netflix). I haven't really loved Jeff Goldblum since he posed on the hood of the jeep in Jurassic Park, but he is perfect here (which may or may not say good things about him) and Orphan Black Echoes (AMC+), which is not as intoxicating as the original Orphan Black, but still, very, very good.

3) Not a recommendation, but an anticipation: SNOOP DOG as a judge on THE VOICE starting the last week of September. There will be multiple people on my couch every week for viewings. I'm *so* excited.

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I enjoyed WLL! I've seen an interview with Coleman and Buckley and Coleman just seems like a delight with her gasps and funny faces. (Insider goss: Buckley showing her arse as she runs away was her own secret inspiration which she regretted as she had to repeat it about 10 times after. :-) Buckley was wonderful in the HBO Chernobyl. I'm always intrigued by what she chooses to do.

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Thanks to your mention, I just watched Wicked Little Letters. What a FUCKING delight! Thank you!

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Yay! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. 😊

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I decided a long time ago that undecided voters were not worth the time of day. Any real strategy must focus on getting people out to vote, period.

Confession: I surrendered my US license to vote five years ago. But I voted in every presidential election up to then (overseas citizens may only vote for pres), even when it was difficult and my vote for Al Gore probably ended up in a dumpster in Philadelphia with other overseas ballots that year.

Now I am Swiss, where we vote at least four times a year on something (the burden of direct democracy) and I ALWAYS vote, because I can. When someone starts complaining about something (Swiss people are expert complainers, which is incomprehensible because life here is so privileged), I always ask if they voted on issue xy. If they say no, I coldly inform them they have not earned the right to complain.

This has made me a hugely popular Swiss Person. I’m sure there are people in my village who regret voting in favor of my citizenship. (yes, they vote on that here too)

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

A Swiss friend (now 95yo, living in Zürich) told me once "Everything in Switzerland is forbidden unless it is expressly allowed by law."

I hope you're taking advantage of Switzerland's fantastic passenger rail system (the SBB).

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aw, shucks, we lost you to switzerland. we need you here! if you come back i promise to vote for your citizenship (even if not required.)

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I do harass US people long-distance to get out the vote, rabble-rouser that I am.

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i appreciate the harassment. keep on rabble rousing!

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Sep 6Liked by lyz

"Listen, is House of Dragons a good show? I cannot tell you."

Suddenly I have an intense need to interview you in a diner about this.

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Sep 6Author

hahah it's not that I am undecided, it's that "good" has absolutely nothing to do with my enjoyment of it. Like I am watching this not because it is good, but because I'm invested in the inbred blonde murder soap opera. But you should definitely interview me in a diner.

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This show has been my summer obsession! IDK if you watched GoT but I think what they are doing very well in this show is examining the agency that women have in this patriarchal world--something the OG writers were incapable of grasping. There's a lot of thoughtful writing there beneath the surface. I rec the official podcast bc the hosts are awesome and they have showrunners and writers as guests.

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1. How can anyone be undecided at this point? I've never understood that. Sometimes I wonder if they just like the attention. In my union organizing days, one of my peers told me to "always focus on the yesses. The people that are solid no's won't change their minds, and the maybes just like that you're talking to them."

2. We love us some Jolene! What a cool dog. :)

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Sep 6Liked by lyz

I know this must be because I have Shakespeare brain worms but I choose to believe that Lyz wrote this as a Julius Caesar reference just for me: "Before you get too hard on them, consider: They are moderate and reasonable men."

You are my Marc Antony, Lyz.

Also anyone who pretends like maybe they would vote for Kamala but one mean comment from a woman or trans person has changed their mind was never going to vote for her in the first place.

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Undecided voters do exist, I used to be married to one. He voted for Trump in 2016 after his dipshit friend explained to him that Hillary was shrill, but he told me he wished he could've voted for Bernie. So I guess his political affiliation is Old White Men. (God I love that I'm not married to him anymore)

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I love this for you, too

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I voted for Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general. Also, my name is Krista!

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Hi there, me too! :-)

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Awwww. My little calico kitty is named “Jolene”! My wife keeps taunting me that “Jolene” is an “ugly” name. I remind her that Jolene was a rescue kitty and came with the name pre-assigned. And that it doesn’t really matter because she doesn’t recognize the name and will not respond when you call her in any event. So call her “Fred.” All the same to her. She’s a cat, after all.

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I picked up 2 new foster kittens yesterday and now I think I'm going to call them Jolene and Dolly!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by lyz

I have been phone canvassing for the WisDems because I felt they needed me in my home state more than in Minnesota where I currently reside. They connect me to a list of callers who are supposedly undecided. Nearly all of them did not appear to be undecided. Quite the contrary, they held VERY strong opinions. The day before I was going to call WisDems, they contacted me because I had done the same four years ago. I was impressed by how organized they are. There are a lot of groups to work with to get out the vote, from the League of Women Voters to the Sierra Club. Since Tim Walz joined the campaign it just keeps getting more and more fun talking with these people!

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I agree about undecided voters. I mean, how can you be a sentient being and think Trump/Vance is a viable option? But - the woman who cuts my hair had not been paying attention to the political news and didn't know Trump had chosen JD Vance. She was busy living her life and having fun with her kids. I don't begrudge her that - she is a court advocate, so she's putting in the work. She hates Trump, so it isn't a case of complete lack of care. It's exhausting to keep up with all the awfulness. And now - I believe this will be my very first season of Survivor ever. I'm watching because I'm a big Lovett fan. Then I saw that a young man from Corvallis (8 miles from my house) is a contestant as well, and it got regional.

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I used to know one of these back in the day when I thought Bush Jr. was the greatest evil (ha, to be that naive again.) He could see how Democrats were better but his Catholic faith (ick) meant he couldn't support anyone who could support abortion. So he would hem and haw. Tiresome.

Jolene looks like the type that would exactly take my man. And frankly, I'd be cooing and trying to pet her all the same.

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Meanwhile, I'm just about to throw my hat in with the "if they don't stop bombing Gaza, I'm not voting at all" crowd. However, I have a trans son and others of the LGBT persuasion who I love, and women need choices and medical care, and I'm in general a fan of sanity and intelligence. I completely get it where the non-voting Gaza supporters are coming from. But especially to the non-voters: We have only two choices, and one of them will be the president. There is no third option. Make it count.

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It's seemed to me for quite a while that there are actually two races going on: Harris vs. Staying Home and Trump vs. Staying Home. I think this may be where undecideds really are undecided. I can't relate, tbh, but I'm sure some among the readership have felt *this* kind of thing in prior years.

That's a very good picture with Jolene. Do you know 'You Can Have Him, Jolene'?

Rings of Power is back.

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Lyz, your take on undecided voters was fantastic, but the story about you and Jolene at the restaurant cements your place on my favorite people list!

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Re: undecided: when people (female people) tell me, with that well-practiced face of moral superiority we all were taught to perfect in the '50s, "I have friends on both sides," I say, "No, you don't."

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