My ONE bright spot is the Maryland came through. Hogan was favored and had the money and sent about a billion things in the mail every day smearing Angela Alsobrooks, but she won. My county didn’t vote for her, but she won.
Yes, the majority of people will survive this, but I don’t think our government will survive intact. The courts will be especially fucked. The judges he picked last time, many turned out to be responsible jurists. I’m not sure they’ll make that mistake again.
I said this in the chat yesterday and want to say it again- my One Good Thing this week was getting to express feelings within this community.
Lyz, thank you for what you have built here. And everyone else, thanks for making this one of the last open, engaging, thoughtful, funny places on the internet.
I blame Rupert Murdoch most, for brainwashing people and bombarding them with complete fiction and calling it news. People voted based on lies they believed.
I live in Melbourne Australia, in the state of Victoria. We're the most progressive state in Australia (the Australian Capital Territory is more progressive, but it has less than half a million people).
We've suffered for years from the toxicity of News Corp - across Australia they delight in bringing down progressive governments - but the last state election in Victoria was a revelation.
Dan Andrews was the premier, and during the pandemic held a news conference every single day during the long lockdown. 120 days straight, we got the death toll, the other statistics, and any other information we needed. He spoke with respect for the victims and for the people of Victoria. On good days he joked.
Anyway, News Corp attacked him relentlessly and encouraged riots (which had very small numbers). When the election came, they actually managed to amp it up a notch.
He was very comfortably returned. Nothing they did made any difference - they even said that we suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. We knew who kept us safe.
Reading this was cathartic, thank you Lyz. I’ve avoided most articles this week but reading newsletters has helped. As did finally deactivating my Twitter.
Same, deleted Twitter and put all my other social media in a file I’ve determined to touch only minimally. Haven’t watched news and just briefly read headlines and move on. This is my first post election piece. Thankfully no one in my close orbit is a Republican so I am cocooning until I feel a little stronger.
Since Wednesday I have been mindfully and minimally participating in my algorithmically served social media. I don't need to drink from the firehose (and probably never did/should have). The algorithms aren't serving me.
The only bubble that will keep anyone safe is a green bubble of money. And even that will burst eventually. Meanwhile, I was talking with a young woman this morning who is married to an American citizen, has her green card and she said, “Am I getting deported now?” Sadly, a legitimate question. We are all in for it in one way or another, all we can do is put one foot in front of the other, find community and speak our truth. The only way out is through.
I'd add Shilpa Ray's Bootlickers of the Patriarchy, and a couple songs by Low-- Especially Me,(I'm hearing this now as pointed song to white women who voted for "safety" or whatever in their vote for T***p) and The Innocents. (Damn, I miss Mimi Parker). Also Natalie Merchant, Giving Up Everything.
I don't know why this song jumped into my brain as soon as I saw your post, because it doesn't fit, exactly. It's also the last remnant of the Christian music I used to listen to, but you probably wouldn't know. It's all about pain, and how we carry through it, and how we make ourselves vulnerable to each other. I love it in my soul.
"The lesson is to be meaner, be louder, be more ruthless and aggressive in your kindness and love for your communities. Get feral with rage and hope and kindness. And remember the enemy isn’t your neighbors (well, unless your neighbor is Matt Yglesias); the enemy is the systems and institutions that profit from our labor and leave us nothing but strip-mined humanity in return. "
You stated the heart of the matter there. Thanks, as always, for your insight.
I told my friend Sarah this morning that my numbness is passing and being replaced by a spite-fueled defiant anger. I'm in my "fuck you, it's my country too!" era.
She replied with:
"Exactly same. You thought we were nasty before?!"
"Fuck" & "You" are two of the most powerful words in the English language. The sooner we (collectively) find ourselves in the "It's my country too" era, the better.
"Get feral with rage and hope and kindness." You have such a way with words. this captures my general vibe these past few days. Like, I am going to love more fiercely than ever. I will fight for a world with guaranteed housing and healthcare. THAT IS A THREAT.
Lyz, this is the best thing I’ve read post election. You nailed every feeling I’ve been having plus the ones I had no way to articulate. And to the Dingus of the Week, I say as the mother of a trans daughter, go straight to Hell, Matt Yglesias!
My ONE bright spot is the Maryland came through. Hogan was favored and had the money and sent about a billion things in the mail every day smearing Angela Alsobrooks, but she won. My county didn’t vote for her, but she won.
Yes, I was so relieved Alsobrooks won, and that the reproductive rights amendment question passed.
Yes, the majority of people will survive this, but I don’t think our government will survive intact. The courts will be especially fucked. The judges he picked last time, many turned out to be responsible jurists. I’m not sure they’ll make that mistake again.
I LOVE that you included Lily Allen. I’ve been humming that song all week.
Thank you for this perspective.
Such an honest post. Haven’t read this kind of journalism anywhere else. It’s the writing that keeps me reading. Well
The only aspect of this week that hasn’t been terrible is having my circle of family support and reading pieces like this.
Ditto times a thousand!
I said this in the chat yesterday and want to say it again- my One Good Thing this week was getting to express feelings within this community.
Lyz, thank you for what you have built here. And everyone else, thanks for making this one of the last open, engaging, thoughtful, funny places on the internet.
I blame Rupert Murdoch most, for brainwashing people and bombarding them with complete fiction and calling it news. People voted based on lies they believed.
I live in Melbourne Australia, in the state of Victoria. We're the most progressive state in Australia (the Australian Capital Territory is more progressive, but it has less than half a million people).
We've suffered for years from the toxicity of News Corp - across Australia they delight in bringing down progressive governments - but the last state election in Victoria was a revelation.
Dan Andrews was the premier, and during the pandemic held a news conference every single day during the long lockdown. 120 days straight, we got the death toll, the other statistics, and any other information we needed. He spoke with respect for the victims and for the people of Victoria. On good days he joked.
Anyway, News Corp attacked him relentlessly and encouraged riots (which had very small numbers). When the election came, they actually managed to amp it up a notch.
He was very comfortably returned. Nothing they did made any difference - they even said that we suffered from Stockholm Syndrome. We knew who kept us safe.
Murdoch and his minions are not invincible!
Reading this was cathartic, thank you Lyz. I’ve avoided most articles this week but reading newsletters has helped. As did finally deactivating my Twitter.
Same, deleted Twitter and put all my other social media in a file I’ve determined to touch only minimally. Haven’t watched news and just briefly read headlines and move on. This is my first post election piece. Thankfully no one in my close orbit is a Republican so I am cocooning until I feel a little stronger.
Since Wednesday I have been mindfully and minimally participating in my algorithmically served social media. I don't need to drink from the firehose (and probably never did/should have). The algorithms aren't serving me.
The only bubble that will keep anyone safe is a green bubble of money. And even that will burst eventually. Meanwhile, I was talking with a young woman this morning who is married to an American citizen, has her green card and she said, “Am I getting deported now?” Sadly, a legitimate question. We are all in for it in one way or another, all we can do is put one foot in front of the other, find community and speak our truth. The only way out is through.
I have that Lily Allen song on my new post-election playlist.
Previously, the playlist was made up of one looped song by Tori Amos -- Trouble's Lament.
I've also added Shawn Colvin's Get Out of my House and for a little more rage, same song title, different artist, Kate Bush.
Anyone have any more suggestions?
I love this playlist you are putting together
I'd add Shilpa Ray's Bootlickers of the Patriarchy, and a couple songs by Low-- Especially Me,(I'm hearing this now as pointed song to white women who voted for "safety" or whatever in their vote for T***p) and The Innocents. (Damn, I miss Mimi Parker). Also Natalie Merchant, Giving Up Everything.
Skin - Vigilantes of Love
I don't know why this song jumped into my brain as soon as I saw your post, because it doesn't fit, exactly. It's also the last remnant of the Christian music I used to listen to, but you probably wouldn't know. It's all about pain, and how we carry through it, and how we make ourselves vulnerable to each other. I love it in my soul.
Under the Table by Fiona Apple
Howard Jones' Things Can Only Get Better
Living Colour's Cult of Personality “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” in honor of Himself
Kind of cheeky: Jill Sobule “Heroes”
The morning after the election I had The Decemberists going through my head, “This Is Why We Fight”
Also P!nk “Walk Me Home”
"The lesson is to be meaner, be louder, be more ruthless and aggressive in your kindness and love for your communities. Get feral with rage and hope and kindness. And remember the enemy isn’t your neighbors (well, unless your neighbor is Matt Yglesias); the enemy is the systems and institutions that profit from our labor and leave us nothing but strip-mined humanity in return. "
You stated the heart of the matter there. Thanks, as always, for your insight.
I told my friend Sarah this morning that my numbness is passing and being replaced by a spite-fueled defiant anger. I'm in my "fuck you, it's my country too!" era.
She replied with:
"Exactly same. You thought we were nasty before?!"
which is the correct reaction imo. Let's do this.
I am with you.
I'm a post-menopausal woman with zero fucks to give. Let's go!
This is my reaction. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE is a really good life philosophy.
"Fuck" & "You" are two of the most powerful words in the English language. The sooner we (collectively) find ourselves in the "It's my country too" era, the better.
"Get feral with rage and hope and kindness." You have such a way with words. this captures my general vibe these past few days. Like, I am going to love more fiercely than ever. I will fight for a world with guaranteed housing and healthcare. THAT IS A THREAT.
i plan on practicing aggressive love and kindness. just try and stop me!
Lyz, this is the best thing I’ve read post election. You nailed every feeling I’ve been having plus the ones I had no way to articulate. And to the Dingus of the Week, I say as the mother of a trans daughter, go straight to Hell, Matt Yglesias!
My first election post-divorce and about the only good thing about Wednesday was not having to wake up to face my spouse who votes republican.