The death of Jezebel is particularly painful. It is/was a terrific place to read interesting takes on all things human. And your dingus of the week is always the head dingus. How you do that, I don't know. But your dingus literary defenestration always makes me smile.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by lyz

My mother used to make a Southern Comfort punch with ginger ale and lemonade at Christmas time. One year she accidentally (?) put in twice as much Southern Comfort and her entire party of holiday guests got completely bombed and she had to call cabs for all of them to get home. We laugh about that party to this day - probably 30 years later. And I have made the punch a few times over the years since. Definitely legendary in my family. https://www.food.com/recipe/southern-comfort-punch-28944

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Thank you for this!

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I live in Arizona and one advantage to living in the Phoenix area in the East valley despite the blast furnace weather and hateful politics is that we don't have daylight savings time, even if we are stuck with Andy Biggs as our congressman. And I signed the petition to out the right to abortion on the ballot in 2024 outside our public library. I snatched the clipboard out of his hands. I was the only woman he had successfully approached that day. Don't have words for that right now.

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Keep being my hero, Jean

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And keep writing, Lyz! You are my hero.

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Indiana also doesn't do daylight savings time, which is one of the few good things to say about Indiana in my experience.

And here's the even dumber, arbitrary wrinkle about all of this. Folks have been so stressed out about the time change that we moved it a week later than all the other people that do the time change, which made me an hour early for a Zoom meeting last Saturday with someone in Scotland because they'd already changed times the previous weekend.

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I’m in Ohio and signed the petition to put abortion on the ballot as I was leaving the grocery store. After I signed I asked the guy with the clipboard if he had trouble getting people to sign and he responded that women gave him the hardest time. One woman had even yelled at him in the middle of the parking lot. This was months ago and I still have not found the words for it.

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I grew up in Flagstaff, now in the rainy PNW, and hot damn if I don’t miss non-DST shenanigans. One of the few times I can say thank you, Phoenix.

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"If you have to crush a few be-dandruffed skulls of the poors to feel better, then so be it."

I'm a fan of ALL references to skull crushing and this made me tear up with its magnificence.

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thank you for noticing, I was going for "unwashed" without being cliche. As a poet, you understand the importance of the right word even when you have to make it up.

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I love that word invention-great synonym!!

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Oof. this was a tough one...as an artist and writer keenly aware of how much of my work is online and that I have little recourse if a billionaire wants to steal it because "trickle-down" something something. Large scale computing is the absolute worst.

I did put up my twinkle lights on November 2nd, granted, I am in Canada and Thanksgiving is long over, but I am keenly aware that some Canadians side-eye anyone putting up lights before Remembrance day. NEVERTHELESS. We need little joys now more than ever and heck do fairy lights ever help.

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Or "trickle on" something something, per a political economist pal of mine: "don't tell me it's raining when the Laffer curve is peeing on my head." He may have used more explicit terms. I trust we can mad-lib our way to that version, as needed.

I am looking forward to a great many MYaM topics and discussions. We've only just begun to unpack the state of modern journalism and how we gather our news, both as citizens and reporters. No one ever went into that profession to become rich. To become someone else's fertilizer, though... well, I'm sure my political economist pal has something for that, too.

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"Trickle on" Bwahahahahaha!

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Not drink related (though I will post my great-uncle's recipe for Artillery Punch sometime when I have the permission of my family) but I feel I should note here that I was baptized from a punch bowl.

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WITH WHISKEY!? Or just water?

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Just water, although I’m sure my father drank enough bourbon that day to make up for the lack of booze in the improvised baptismal font.

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I'm picturing baptism face down into a bowl of punch. Water of life!

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Well, that would indeed be "holy water" ;-)

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by lyz

I was in the Mediterranean with my best friend for a few weeks in September and we got in the habit of sitting down for a Spritz every day at about 5pm on our first lengthy stop in Venice. We weren't like those other tourists, we did not expect dinner at 5, we knew and loved that it was Spritz O'clock. A few places set down a small bowl of rather stale popcorn with our drinks. BUT in Burano (or was it Murano?) we were given a small bowl of fabulous potato chips and it was glorious! We had the Aperol Spritz, the Hugo Spritz, the Campari Spritz. I was no stranger to the Spritz but it was amazing to sit in St Mark's Square and at the base of the Acropolis and watch the sun set with a Spritz. I'm home in Des Moines now, of course, and my spritzes for autumn have pomegranate juice, apple cider and sometimes Cynar. Perfect with a small bowl of Lays Kettle Chips, my backyard fire table, and an Iowa sunset.

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What about a Select spritz? And maybe a cicchetti or two in Venice? We were there over the summer and the spritz and cicchetti were the hightlights for me.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by lyz

And yes, ciccheti was something we looked for, too. I watched so many videos before we left! Lol. Our hotel was on a narrow lane fairly close to the Rialto and we had lots of places to get food and drink. We especially enjoyed walking around the corner for a morning cappuccino and brioche and then popping in again late in the afternoon. It was great!

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From everything I've read, Daylight Saving Time is wrong for the science, and bad for the economy, which makes it a perfect cause for Republicans to champion. Totally akin to passing laws about "embryonic cardiac activity" before either heart or stomach exists.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by lyz

Well you see if the tech geniuses only feed the chatbots their own words, nobody will want to interact with them.

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I did not know about Jezebel, and I'm sorry it's being crapped on. I see Spanfeller says that "our business model and the audiences we serve across our network did not align with Jezebel’s,” and I think that means "they talk too much about vaginas and women and it scares me and our white men investors." I used to visit that site regularly and comment, etc. Boo!

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I submit this blended "mistletoe margarita" as the perfect drink for thanksgiving or Christmas: https://www.delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/a25242232/mistletoe-margaritas-recipe/

When I remember to make it, I always wonder - why don't I have blended margaritas more often? They're perfect! And the cranberries in this one are a delight.

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Fuck that turd Andreesen. A couple weeks ago he was self-fellating with that "manifesto"* and now this. The man is a cancer on society, akin to the reptilian Peter Thiel

* about how we should unshackle TechBros for the betterment of mankind, and how dare there be any regulations to get in their beneficent "progress" - what an asshole all around

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He needs a Lifetime Dingus award for his continued tendency to post steaming turd hot takes on a wide range of topics affecting tech billionaires.

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You and I will never understand their pain and suffering.

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I’m in line at the grocery store and just read this. People are wondering why I am chuckling

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Andreessen certainly has a lot of nerve. I'm reminded of the recent abuses of eminent domain in Iowa and elsewhere for the Bakken pipeline and for other pipelines in the works, but in this case, instead of settling for something as puny as the aquifer, he's laying claim to human consciousness itself.

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Glad you mentioned the school board elections. Also glad you said not to put too much emphasis on the results. I hope you can dig into the "average Iowan's mind" in the coming weeks and months and help me understand it better.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by lyz

Their is a great card game called guillotine and I think you could update it and rebrand it with dingus's. With the same headless results....

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Hmmmm, who would be Piss Boy?!?

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Nov 10, 2023·edited Nov 10, 2023Liked by lyz

😹 maybe the dingus of the year? Each year is its own expansion? I'd love to hear Lyz opinion after playing, as there are just soooo many good ones for this postition of piss boy.

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Team God's Time.

Signed, Indiana, circa 2005

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