Men are afraid when women laugh. Not giggles or titters or any of the other cute noises, but the full-throated mirth that makes some fools suspect we are laughing at them.

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Can’t remember who was the first to point this out but the same men who don’t like women laughing will tell other women to smile more.

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Oh my, that was one of my biggest pet peeves in my bar crawling days - "why don't you smile?" Like I was supposed to be sitting on a barstool with a bud light in one hand, a Marlboro light in the other, grinning like a lobotomized shell of a woman while the drunk fools around me eat the rest of my brain.

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I once worked at a bar in my early 20s, and one night the owner, after getting drunk at the bar when he was off work, came up to me, grabbed my arm, and said if you don't start smiling you're fired. I set my tray down and walked out the back door. I wish I would yelled, or at least sued the prick.

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That's doing what they order you to do. Obedience is delicious to these bozos.

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It's like they say: men are afraid women will laugh at them, women are afraid [checks notes] oh wow, that is horrible. So much worse than someone laughing at you. And women just have to go through the world dealing with this shit? Someone ought to do something about that.

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you got it.

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The rest of the aphorism is that women fear that men will kill them.

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Yes, please, let's say the whole thing out loud. Margaret Atwood quotes are not Voldemort. "Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them."

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Aug 2Author

I think it's important that we take people's comments in the best possible light. Especially in this comment section, because people are paying to be here . I don't this this commenter wasn't censoring, but assuming, correctly, that most readers here would understand the context.

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Oh yes, I'm sorry if that came off as personal--I certainly did not mean it that way (ah, the internet). Just wanted to properly attribute a clear and relevant quote.

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yep. exactly. i quoted this to my husband once and he looked completely appalled. he'd never heard that before.

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My 81 yr old liberal-leaning dad brought up how ridiculous it was for Kamala to be attacked for her laugh. For all his flaws, he has always appreciated a woman with a good sense of humor and a hearty laugh - it's one of the first things he mentioned when I asked him what attracted him to my late mother.

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

i laughed so hard reading lyz this morning that i almost choked on my morning cup of tea!

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One of the first things that attracted me to my wife of 25 years was her raucous laughter -- and that's probably the number one sound our neighbors hear all the time: the pair of us laughing uproariously!

The other day, we were both working on chores in the bedroom and I asked where she wanted her phone "down there" _waves hand_ so I put it on the bed rail (where it usually sits overnight) and went back to our "office". Then I hear a yell "where's my phone?" "on the bed rail" "I can't reach it!" I go back into the bedroom to move her phone and tell her "you need to grow longer arms!" with a smirk and get "fuck you, gorilla arms!" and then we both fall about laughing again!

We joke that marriage is all about yelling at each other from different rooms :)

Pity the man who is afraid of a woman's laugh!

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

give the superfan some points -- they picked a vibe with a clit stimulator. I wouldn't have thought they'd have acknowledged the clit, let alone included it in the fun!

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“Enjoy telling some girl on Hinge about your protein goals, sir.” 😂😂😂😂🙌🏻

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That's when I died 💀😂

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"My autonomy is my joy." Sing it, sister! I've been divorced since I was 25, raised my children as a single mother, and never looked back. I'm now 72. Best decision ever! Thank you for your humor and calling out the downside of marriage for women. Love, love, love your book. ❤️

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I divorced when I was 36, and it was bar none, the best thing I ever did. At the time I left, I said that I would rather eat garbage from a dumpster than to eat his shit for one more second of my life. 29 years later I still celebrate the anniversary (July 31!) No matter how hard it was to raise my three kids alone not once have I regretted it.

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

On the plus side, your next book cover is now sorted!

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lol. It has to be, right?

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

This is so purrfect today!!! >^. .^< I raised my daughter by myself, without any child support from her deadbeat dad, and walked her down the aisle when she got married (in a Catholic church--they didn't much like it, but it was her wish!). She turned out GREAT, too, in spite of my imperfect single parenting skills! I have been single with a cat (or 2) for the last 28 years, and laugh at the people who think I must be miserable. Nope! :D

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Aug 2Liked by lyz


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Aug 2·edited Aug 2Author

Thank you! It made me giggle to myself a lot

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

This killed me !! I just may have to use it. 😂

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My favorite. I am going to use it!

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Does the guy that made this meme know that he's won gold in the Self-Own event?

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

One of the last history-related bits of writing I did before leaving my ex was the introduction to a reprint of a New York woman's civil war diary. I was dragging through the end of a violent, oppressive marriage, and I came on her words, "the dreadful lottery of matrimony." I won't say that's why I left, but it was one of the clearest signs I got.

"But marriage has been a violent trap and an engine of inequality" would have had exactly the same effect.

Looking forward to reading Liars, Louise Erdrich wrote an amazing novel, Shadow Tag, about many of the same themes.

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"the dreadful lottery of matrimony" that hits hard, so accurate

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This post is the perfect encapsulation of my life as a middle aged ex-wife. Men telling me I would be so much happier if I lost weight, fixed myself up, and started dating again. My own dying dad told me that after I spent an entire day changing his sheets and flushing his earthshatteringly vile bedpan leavings down the toilet. I'm like, that fact that you cannot see the irony of what you are saying is so hilarious and so sad. Now that he is gone, I have been spending my summer going to concerts in the park and swimming in the lake near my house after work with my friends. I feel like a fucking lady warrior who finally made it to Vahalla after years in the marriage and elder care trenches. It's Heaven.

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

This is not a Substack post, it’s a manifesto.

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One of my friends the ex hated the most is one who LAUGHED out loud and with abandon. I'm sure there were many reasons he had for hating her, but I'll bet that was at the top of the list.

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Aug 2Liked by lyz

Wow, he even gave you a dildo with a clit stimulator! Something he would never be able to do!

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Yeah we're better off with the dildo than depending on a man to actually figure out how to make you come!

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I can’t imagine a better life than lying on my nice sofa in my own little house (700 sq ft to be sure) with my mini-dachshund, or my weenie to better fit the dialogue here, Butterbean, reading MYAM and laughing my ass off. Then working on my memoir which all the guys should be happy to note, has way too many men in it, albeit in their all-too-true worst light. And yes I am laughing at them and their current discomfiture. Run, Kamala, run— for the Presidency!

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Just here to say how much I love the name Butterbean!

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I’m one that opted out. I’ve never ever wanted children but until I was 30 I was one of those girls that always had to have a steady boyfriend. God forbid I should be single and alone. Finally I realized needing to be attached to a guy was really restrictive. I didn’t like it anymore, I wanted to be my own person and not belong to someone else. So I broke it off and he said “I was going to ask you to marry me” No thanks. I like being in control of the remote. I like doing what I want to do when I want to do it. I like drinking wine, with my 2 cats and 2 dogs. Well I drink most of it, they don’t really like it that much. What would make me unhappy is having some controlling man join us. I’ve never seen or heard any music fr Hamilton. I did see Cats though and like that song Memory. What I did for live.

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Oh that was from A Chorus Line. And it’s “love” not “live” 🙄

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I kinda like live. "to live" might be better English, but I didn't miss a beat. Love to live!

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I’m a 55 year old widow with no kids who is leaning into the whole cat lady thing by fostering kittens (as well as having two permanent cats) it’s like tinder but with kittens and no one ghosting you, mansplaining, negging or bad sex. 100% would recommend.

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