When I read that piece in The Atlantic, I was muttering to myself "fuck that turd" (Frum).

Great newsletter Lyz!

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I am SO over US major media still painting México as the big scary Bad. I’ve seen a few sentences in the NYT describing it as anti-LGBTQIA+, violent, religious hegemony, etc - oh, you mean the US?!

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Right? Deflect much, Gray Lady...?

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The word of the day is psychological projection, boys and girls.

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But what about… rum in milkshakes?!

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I’m anti milk. I don’t support the milk industrial complex

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Ah yes I remember this! Rum/run on!

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David. David Frum. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. A long time.

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I’m imagining you saying that with a cigarette staring off into the distance

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As Dana pointed out, it's a Star Wars reference that has always cracked me up. It has the same feel of staring into space though without cigarettes. David and I were in the same college class, and it's been rather sad seeing him go from that (an intellectual conservative but with heart) to this. He's just a very conventional guy in the end. Btw, he's originally Canadian!

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Totally staring off into the desert. and OMG you went to school with that guy? Shudder.

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He was easy enough to avoid!

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So he’s a former fellow pupil of yours who turned to evil?

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It does seem that way. Though his young daughter recently died from a brain tumor, let's not be too mean.

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Sorry, I wasn’t intending to be mean, I was trying to continue the Star Wars references.

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Obi Wan Kenobi

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You are correct!

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Family tragedy aside, Frum has always been a dingus.

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I didn’t read the article since I don’t subscribe to The Atlantic, but I heard him on a podcast expressing concern that she was a protege of a corrupt leader. I am not a member of his family nor his defender, but what he said was fairly mild. I was surprised to see him as Dingus of the Week amid so many deserving candidates, and now I’ll sit back to take my roasting.

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Milkshakes today, fists tomorrow, and knives the day after is going to be my new mantra as well. I practice non-violence, but this is perfection in how empowered I feel saying it. Lol.

I so appreciate how you always make me laugh through the pain of this mess. <3

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Ah yes, the milkshakes to knives pipeline

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Now I want that on a t-shirt.

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I hooted. Thank you.

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On behalf of all of Canada, we apologize for David Frum. Although we're glad that we exported him to you...

What's really sad is that his mother Barbara Frum was actually a brilliant and highly respected CBC Radio broadcaster. I have no idea what happened to her son. Maybe dropped on his head as a baby...

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Probably the same thing that happened to that idiot football kicker whose mother is a scientist. In both cases, I'm blaming their fathers. I'd bet a month's rent that the dads were resentful. Of course, I could be wrong. But that shit came from somewhere.

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Honestly I could probably look thulis up, but Frum isn't worth my time

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And I've given too much brain space to that football player myself. :)

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Jun 7Edited

David's dad was Murray Frum, a Toronto dentist turned real estate developer. He & Barbara were married for something like 35 years before she sadly died at the too-young age 54 of leukemia. (He later remarried.) They were well known philanthropists and supporters of liberal causes. Not sure what happened to their kids...??

David & his sister Linda are more or less the same age as me, and I remember, when both they and I were in university, reading an article about them as young conservatives who were in the thrall of U.S.-style Reagan-era politics. Linda is now a Canadian Senator (appointed by Conservative PM Stephen Harper). She wrote a biography/memoir about her mother (who was, as Barry notes above, an iconic Canadian radio & TV journalist), after she died, in which she claimed her mother, at the end of her life, was coming around to her & David's way of thinking. I thought that was kind of low, when the woman wasn't around to confirm, deny or defend herself.

I will admit I've appreciated some of David's critiques of Trump & co. -- and (as another bereaved parent) my heart went out to him when I read about the death of his daughter -- but yeah. I read this article and thought, "Oh, David." (eyeroll)

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Makes me think the urge of children to rebel against their parents must be stronger than any good sense.

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This is so Canadian. "I'm sorry the guy who adopted US conservatism as his career was born in Canada."

Frum was educated at Yale and then Harvard Law. They're the ones who should apologize. Them and Ronald Reagan, his first US political inspiration.

As a Canadian ex-pat living in the US, I apologize for this response.

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Not just any milkshake. A banana milkshake. That somehow makes it even funnier!! You go, milkshake lady! A jury of your peers would not convict you.

That story was a refreshing chaser to the infuriating reminders of how terrible Frum is. What a top notch dingus! I hope he sits on a cactus today.

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I hadn't heard about David Frum's analysis of Mexico's leader. Much as I love Dingus of the Week, I was better off without my current morning rage.

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Personally, I operate so much better with morning rage.

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That settles it. I'm having a milkshake today. Woe to David Frum if he is in my town while I do. If I were the mother of the young woman who threw the milkshake I'd be buying her another in celebration.

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Better have that shake asap while they are still street-legal. It's surely only a matter of minutes before Congress reclassifies all dairy-based projectiles as anti-Semitic -- can't have Netanyahu getting milkshake-d next month when he's in DC. It's an election year, after all.

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It’s a valid safety issue. That milkshake was fully loaded!

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If milkshakes are outlawed, only outlaws will shake milk. The 2d Amendment warns of this precise danger.

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Milkshakes will need to be regulated and tracked in a database open to law enforcement. I mean, we can’t take any chances with people making their own decisions about milkshakes.

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"lacking in the people-pleasing ways of a professional politician"

So, she didn't flatter his ego during

their interview and he's going to grind that axe for the rest of his life.

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The expression on the HERO who milkshaked Farage. She knew what she was doing and was pleased as punch to be doing it. Well done!

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My new mantra: "...my guy. That’s a sexism."

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"I stormed from the room into the hall. My friend Kristen followed me. And when I turned to her to ask her how it went, she said, “The boat metaphor was a little over the top.”

So, yes, I’ve always been like this."

This made me literally LOL! PREACH, SISTER!

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That line! I snorted. It's a good friend who will both follow where you lead while also giving you some constructive feedback.

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